Dr. Tiodorović discovered what we all feared



09.09.2020. 07:00

A new peak in the epidemic awaits us at the end of this or early next week. High school students and students, who are especially in danger, but also dangerous, because they spend a lot of time indoors and among a large number of people, do not wear masks again and do not keep their distance.

Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member

Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member, Photo: Tanjug, Slobodan Miljević

Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team for the fight against coronavirus, says that for “Hello!” And he adds that a large increase in patient numbers is inevitable by the end of this week.

– Those who do not respect protection measures are always at great risk, and today there are really many among the students and high school students, who came from different parts of the country at the beginning of September and continue to come to university and school centers. They were in contact with a large number of people, and now they continue to move among their classmates and schoolmates, mostly unprotected, and that is ideal to catch it – warns Tiodorović.

Are you afraid of an increase in the number of patients?

As he emphasizes, the evidence of this claim can be seen every day, especially in public transport and cafes, where it is not uncommon to see a group of young people, side by side, without masks, or with masks under the chin, driving and hanging like it’s a hazard and it doesn’t exist.

Some young people are often unaware of the risks to themselves and others, and will understand it only when they or someone in their family becomes infected. The incubation period is usually 10 to 14 days, so by a simple calculation we come to the conclusion that in a few days we will see an increase in the number of new infections. – says the interlocutor “Hello!”.

Another risk group, says the epidemiologist, are those who return from summer vacations to their places and to their work and school groups.

– All those who traveled, but not only abroad, but also those who were in national tourist centers, if they did not take care and did not respect the measures, they carry a great danger. Therefore, we can freely say that the new peak will be the consequence of this increase in the movement of the entire population and the failure to comply with the measures. – explains and adds that rafts, clubs and restaurants are a special problem, that they are not officially allowed to operate, but they still receive guests, and in large numbers.

Musicians spread viruses

According to him, a special risk is run by events where live music is organized and where a large number of people without masks gather.

He adds that only an infected musician playing a wind instrument could spread the virus within a 10 meter radius. So if someone organizes a musical ceremony in which there will be a choir or wind instruments, then they must be at least 15-20 meters away from the audience to be safe, as well as each other.

Punishments are sometimes the only solution

The interlocutor “Hello!”, As he himself says, it is not to punish, if people follow the recommendations.

I am not in favor of punishment, but if we do our best to teach people how to protect themselves and some still do not deliberately adhere to the measures, then punishments are the only way. If we all adhere to these measures, then we would have a completely calm situation with sporadic outbreaks of the disease, and that in people with severely weakened immunity – explains the epidemiologist Tiodorović and adds:

– I would like to do a tourist experiment, so that we can put spacesuits on everyone who denies the existence of the virus and does not respect the measures, so they can see how it looks in institutions where people fight for their lives. Both healthcare workers and patients, fighting for every breath – he concluded.
