Belgrade – Epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi stated that all those who do not comply with the measures must be held accountable.
Source: Today

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Any measure other than the existing one would not be justified, including the ace police, he told the Belgrade media.
“We may come to a situation where we have to think about it, but now is not the time,” a Crisis Tab member told Danas.
The crisis tab had an emergency meeting yesterday after it was announced on Wednesday that more than 500 new infected people had been identified, however, no new measures had been taken but it was noted that the implementation of existing measures must be strictly controlled.
Tiodor points out to Danas that the number of new infected varies from day to day and that it should be considered according to the number and structure of those tested (a greater number of tested leads to a greater number of infected), and that the rate is much more reliable. .
“If the rate goes from 60 to 100, that is the situation in which the measures begin to be poisoned, while in the countries that are introducing a police ace it is above 150”, says Tiodorovi. He adds that in Serbia, 30 to 50 percent of patients are from Belgrade, which is expected given the size of the city, and that so far the age of 20 to 40 years has prevailed, while in recent days the has seen an increase in patients between the ages of 40 and 40. 60 years.
According to data from the European Center for Disease Control, the rate of patients per 100,000 in the last 14 days in Serbia is 41.8, which is rare in Europe at the moment.
Theodore, however, points out that “we cannot be a desert island, surrounded by fires on all sides”, and that even during the winter months an even greater growth of infected is expected.
He adds, however, that he believes that the most rigorous measures will not be necessary, because the existing ones are good, but the basic problem is their implementation.
“It is not the measures themselves that are the problem, but their control, it corresponds to the State and its organs. We must implement measures with much more seriousness and responsibility. All those who do not comply with the measures must be held accountable before the law, not the healthcare system, says Theodore.
As an example of non-implementation of the measures adopted, he cites rafts that operate outside the restrictions, but also crowds on the buses of workers and the city.