Dr. Stevanović has news that we have been waiting for a long time.



08.09.2020. 12:25

He called on citizens to wear masks, keep their distance, take care of hand hygiene, avoid risk events.


Goran stevanovic

Goran Stevanovic, Photo: Tanjug

The director of the KCS Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanović, says that the number of patients with a severe clinical picture is not increasing, but that the number of patients with respiratory problems who come to outpatient clinics for examination is increasing.

He emphasized that the number of positive exams and patients is growing in the environment and in all parts of Europe, because people return from holidays, the school year begins and the gatherings begin indoors, because the summer season is coming to its end.

Infectious, he claims, he currently has no problems with accommodation capacity, but the occupancy in the intensive care unit is at a higher level than would be expected for the number of patients currently hospitalized.

Does it comply with the prescribed epidemiological measures?

“However, I must emphasize that these are the most serious patients, and some of them have been treated in intensive care since June,” Stevanovic told reporters after a meeting between Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar and the directors of Kovid hospitals.

He stressed that reviews of therapeutic protocols have been carried out and that covid patients are being treated in Serbia, as in all health institutions in the world.

“At the moment, we do not have a specific cure for the virus, we do not have a specific vaccine and the only way to protect ourselves is to respect the measures. In this way, we will reduce the transmission of the virus and the number of patients and reduce mortality”, said.

He appealed to citizens to wear masks, keep their distance, take care of hand hygiene, avoid risk events such as gathering a large number of people in a small space.
