Dr. Stevanović cautions what would be the WORST SCENARIO if the infection continues at this rate


– There is capacity for now, but they are not inexhaustible. This means that, if the number of patients and the infection continues at this rate, it is very likely that we will run out of capacity or, in the worst case scenario, insufficient – said a member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against coronavirus and Director of Infectious Diseases. clinic in Belgrade Goran Stevanović.

He addressed journalists after today’s meeting of Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar with the directors of covid hospitals in Serbia, which was held today at the Palace of Serbia.

– The number of people in kovid hospitals is constantly increasing, new capacities and new hospitals are being incorporated. We still have enough capacity, everyone who needs treatment in Serbia has a place to stay, distributions are being made in Serbia – said Stevanović, commenting on the current situation.

He thanked citizens who adhere to the measures, but appealed to those who do not, to start.

New measures can be introduced locally

He also noted that some new measures can be introduced locally.

– We, as doctors, cannot order, we can only appeal so that the measures are respected and implemented. The existing measures certainly have the effect of reducing the number of patients, but until we all get involved, it will be a big problem, Stevanović noted.

Dr. Nebojsa Ladjevic, director of the Anesthesiology Center of the Serbian Clinical Center, said after today’s meeting that the treatment protocol is the same in all kovid hospitals, that all capacities, i.e. doctors, are included, and that November will join the final years of medical schools. They, he said, will help with the necovid system, while other doctors move to work at the covid hospital.

Lađević expressed satisfaction that the covid hospitals in Batajnica and Kruševac will open soon, but emphasized that “if we do not adhere to the measures, those capacities will be filled very quickly.”

It should be remembered that the meeting of the Minister of Health Zlatibor Loncar with the directors of the covid hospitals was held before the session of the Crisis Staff for the fight against the coronavirus, in which the current epidemiological situation will be discussed, but also possible new ones measurements. The staff session begins today at 12 noon.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said on Saturday that a crisis staff session would be held earlier in the week, and when asked if additional measures against the spread of the coronavirus would be introduced before the New Year holidays, she said that it would be I thought about it every day. two hours.

– Our people will return, we will monitor the epidemiological situation in all countries and introduce measures if necessary. We monitor every day and think of new additional measures, Brnabić noted.

VIDEO: Loncar – Increased pressure on the health system in Belgrade
