Dr. Sazdanović presented an apocalyptic crown scenario for Serbia, which could happen in 15 days



06.11.2020. 11:16

Director of the Kragujevac Clinical Center prof. Dr. Predrag Sazdanović says they were right when they announced the apocalyptic scenario two weeks ago

Predrag Sazdanović

Predrag Sazdanović, Photo: Printscreen / RTS

We can only find reasons in the irresponsible behavior of people and illegal gatherings, says Sazdanović. He points out that no one knows how long this situation will last or how many patients there will be, but that they are prepared for the worst case scenario.

The epidemic situation in Kragujevac is unstable. Compared to the period two weeks ago, the number of patients who come to the Kovid clinic for an examination at the Health Center has almost tripled. More tests are underway and the number of infected people varies from day to day. There were more than a hundred of them. The latest data is that out of 425 samples, 70 are recently infected in Kragujevac.

Predrag Sazdanović, as a guest on RTS morning news, said 113 patients are currently hospitalized in the kovid part of the Clinical Center in Kragujevac, 26 of them in Intensive Care and 11 on a ventilator.

– The situation is what we predicted two weeks ago. Some called it an apocalyptic scenario, but sadly we were right. The entire health system in Serbia is suddenly burdened with a large number of patients, where we can find reasons exclusively in the irresponsible behavior of people, illegal meetings, Sazdanović emphasized.

He stated that the third migration of clinics was carried out in the Kragujevac Clinical Center, and eight clinics were moved from their places, because they had to open new capacities for the reception of covid patients.

– We had to move the cardiology, hematology, gastroenterology, allergology, urology clinic. We try to open new spaces with internal resources – Sazdanović said, adding that thanks to the Ministry of Health, they will get 200 new oxygen places.

– What we need to know is that the victims of this entire pandemic crisis are not covid patients, that is, patients who cannot be treated where they should be because those clinics have been relocated and those areas are open to covid patients – Sazdanović pointed out.

He pointed out that the number of healthcare workers participating in the kovid system is large, which had the highest peak in July, when 560 workers were in the kovid system.

– This time we hope there will be a greater number, we hope there will be more than 700 people. Kragujevac’s entire healthcare system has been on its feet and on alert, Sazdanović said.

A temporary hospital at the “Šumadija Fair” is ready in Kragujevac, and the director of the Clinical Center says that, unfortunately, they are also thinking about other locations.

– Next week, we will prepare two more spaces: the ‘Park’ room and the ‘Jezero’ room. We expect about 250 new seats here. Right now, we are around 30 percent of capacity, and every time we hit 60 percent, we are introducing some new spaces to be ready for a new wave, Sazdanović explained.

– Nobody knows how long this will last and nobody knows how many patients there will be. We are prepared for the worst case scenario. The Kragujevac Clinical Center and its entire staff are veterans of this epidemic war and our patients do not need to worry about whether they will be treated properly. Before that, be careful. Take care of your families, wear masks, avoid illegal gatherings, take care of your health – Sazdanović said.

As for Kragujevac and the Šumadija district, the corona virus has entered almost everywhere. There are infected people in schools, colleges, large groups and the city administration.

About 2,500 people in the Šumadija district are in home isolation and the relevant services still manage to monitor and isolate the contacts, which is crucial in this round of the fight against the crown.
