Dr. Nestorović states: “The virus will not return, and if it does return, then conspiracy theories will become correct, Exit and Guca will certainly occur” | Society


Dr. Branimir Nestorović presented his views on the current situation and the post-epidemic period.

Dr. Branimir Nestorović, as a guest on B92 TV, presented his views on the current situation and the post-epidemic period.

Responding to the question of whether we have defeated the corona virus, Nestorović replied that we have not had more serious patients for two weeks.

“I can say that we are done for this round,” he said.

He also says that “the Exit and Guca festivals will certainly take place this year.”

Nestorovic expressed his belief that our approach to the epidemic “was excellent, but that everything should be released now.”

“Older people still need to wear masks and take care of themselves. I think everything will happen by the end of this month,” he said.

He also cited Dr. Igor Rudan, who said that “now is the time for the right to become infected.”

“Imagine a man who has a craft store that doesn’t work and runs out of money. He has to assess the risk because the crown will pass. He can get infected, but he will hardly die. If his store dies, he will surely die.” Your children will become social cases, “Nestorović gave an example.

He says that people need to understand that this is no longer a virus.

“Now we will spend most of the time with those who come from abroad. What virus do they bring, what strain. This virus that circulates in our country disappears, dies,” he said, adding that he maintains that the virus will not return.

Nestorovic says the term social distancing is “totally unpleasant” to him.

“What kind of social distancing? Avoid close contact with strangers. That is what is called in Serbian. Social distancing is when you are completely alienated, it is not in the nature of Serbs. I see that people started to give themselves hand, which is nice and hugging, welcomed that moment, “says Nestorović, emphasizing that a mental return to normality is also important.

Dr. Nestorović said he had read studies of people who are seriously dealing with the coronavirus, and they claim there will be no second wave.

– If there is, then conspiracy theories will be correct and that will become a serious issue to consider – Nestorović said.
