DR MOMA JAKOVLJEVIC ON THE SITUATION IN SERBIA: Many young people are infected, this is a catastrophe, this is what should be avoided


– This is a great puzzle for world medicine, not just for us. It’s our job. Everyone is at risk, both doctors and nurses. Employees are falling, we have six anesthesiologists who are infected, there are many in home treatment – he pointed out and added that we must be careful, avoid large crowds and that it is important that we are at a distance.

He also said that many young people are infected and that there are no more situations like the beginning of the epidemic that those over 65 are the most threatened.

“In my opinion, the crown is a pump for immunity,” said the doctor, adding that basic diseases must “be maintained.” It is a systemic disease, it attacks the body, coagulates the blood, eats red blood cells, but the lungs suffer the most, “he added. There is a lot of ambiguity, and that” until the vaccine arrives, there is no salvation for us. ” You need to be careful. The distance is important, that we are separated, because if we are not separated, and one of the five is infected, we will become infected. There are many young, healthy, a 28-year-old man died in our country – said the doctor .

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