Dr. Marjana Vukićević, neurologist: Do not ignore THIS SYMPTOM because it may be a stroke alarm


Stroke is a serious and serious disease of the blood vessels of the brain that occurs suddenly and is most often manifested by weakness and numbness of the middle of the body, distortion of a part of the face, and difficulties in speech and perception. Worldwide, 17 million people suffer a stroke every year, and more than 20,000 people in Serbia suffer it every year. Of that number, a third of patients die immediately, a third remain permanently disabled and a third recover, according to data from the Special Hospital “St. Sava”, which cares for most stroke patients.

– A stroke occurs due to the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain by a thrombus that is in a blood vessel or that comes from the heart. In fact, it is a clot created due to cardiac arrhythmias, explains Prim. Dr sci. darling Marjana Vukićević, specialist in neurology and acting director of the Special Hospital “St. Sava”.

The first four hours are the most important

Our interlocutor says that a stroke, fortunately, is no longer a hopeless disease because it can be cured with the right treatment and therapy, and the consequences it leaves can be prevented.

– Because mortality is not the most difficult thing in a stroke, but the disability it leaves behind. In the world it is the second cause of disability, while in our country it occupies the first place. Only half of the people who survive a stroke are able to partially return to their lives, while 20 to 30 percent of them require the care and help of another person. This is not only difficult for the patient but also for his family and the whole of society.

When it comes to a stroke, the doctor points out, the most important thing is to know what its symptoms are.

– Sometimes, the patients themselves do not even recognize a stroke, but their environment recognizes it. Symptoms of a stroke are, first of all, a speech disorder, so very often someone notices that the patient’s mouth is crooked, that he cannot say a word, that he cannot recognize what others are saying, then there is weakness and tingling in your arm and leg. , and it often happens that complete deprivation occurs when the patient can fall and suffer a fracture, for example a hip – warns Dr. Vukićević.

When a stroke occurs, it is very important that the patient reaches the nearest health institution on time, because then the therapy is more successful.

– One type of therapy can be applied only in the first four and a half hours when the drug is administered into a vein and ruptures a thrombus. All patients who arrive later, when the thrombus has already developed, cannot receive this therapy. Patients who have a blockage of these large blood vessels can receive the most modern therapy: it is a mechanical thrombectomy through which we reach the blood vessel that is blocked through a catheter, in the angiosal, and extract the thrombus from the brain.

We need modern therapy

When the acute phase of the disease passes, the patient should be given a drug that should prevent a new stroke.

– Until now, our patients have been receiving old anticoagulant medications and were somewhat safe. Recently, there are new anticoagulant drugs that are, above all, more efficient, safer, safer and more comfortable for the patient, but unfortunately they are not yet on the positive list in our country, which I hope will change soon.

* Every 20 minutes, a person in Serbia suffers a stroke

* Every hour a person dies from this disease

* Stroke is the first cause of death in women and the second cause of death in men in Serbia
