11.22.2020. 22:21
KBC Bežanijska kosa Director Dr. Marija Zdravković commented on today’s funeral of the late Serbian Patriarch Irinej

Marija Zdravkovic, Photo: Serigraph / Rosa
Dr. Marija Zdravković said on the “Hit tweet” program on TV Pink that it was a great honor for her to meet the late Serbian patriarch Irinej and pointed out that the corona virus affects the elderly more strongly and that they are at greater risk, but that no one expected the result of his infection.
– This event was organized with great respect for epidemiological measures. We saw that there were a limited number of people there. A large number of believers came, but not all were able to enter, said Dr. Zdravković about today’s funeral of the Serbian patriarch at the Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade, adding:
– There were people who did not respect the epidemiological measures, but if we look at the situation that happened three weeks ago at Amfilohije’s funeral, we see that here there were much larger and more significant epidemiological measures.
He points out to Pink that there is always someone who does not respect the measures, but also that this was an act that had to be done with dignity.
Commenting on communion, he said that it was very ugly and humiliating to talk about “licking a spoon”, and that it was not appropriate.
– It is clear that there is a great fear of the spread of the epidemic, but on the other hand, for people who come to communion, it is neither a spoon nor a spoon lick, they experience it differently – said Dr. Zdravković.
The Minister of Family Care and Demography, Ratko Dmitrović, pointed out that such comments mainly come from people who do not believe in the Church and in God, and who take advantage of every moment to comment negatively.
As he says, he understands everything, as if everything was expected. He adds that the insults are actually a story about those who say that.

Irinej’s funeral, Photo: Tanjug
On the “Hit Tweet” program, there is also the Metropolitan of Porphyry, who said that Bishop Irinej Bački was right when he said at the funeral that the late Irinej was the target of some people who thought he was not modern enough.
As he himself says, Irinej did not want to court modernism at any cost and did not want to flirt with everything new.
– The patriarch was very cool in regards to his thinking. Some often need to remove the church from public life – concluded the metropolitan.
As he says, the patriarch was very careful what he said about others and what he did, although he did not pay much attention to what they said about him.
– He broke all the swords, measured three times and cut once – said the Metropolitan, adding that he was a man who respected every man.