DR KON: The situation in Belgrade is getting worse, the solution lies in preventive measures


He states that the number of infected people is expected to transfer and spread to other parts of Serbia.

“It won’t come all at once, but it can be expected in the next few weeks,” Kon told Tanjug.

However, imposing a state of emergency is not an option, says Kon.

The highest number of infected is in Belgrade, and our interlocutor says that the closure of the capital was not mentioned in any of the Crisis Staff sessions, and that “for now there is no visible reason for such a thing.”

– Regarding restrictive measures, they are only possible in the event of a sudden deterioration, which exceeds everything we have seen so far. We do not expect that, if we adhere to the measures – said the epidemiologist.

It is especially important, as he stated, to implement protective measures in large companies, and there may be greater oversight measures.

Kon points out that preventive epidemiological measures should be applied, that the masks should be used indoors, but that it is recommended to wear them outdoors as well, if a distance of two meters cannot be provided.

– I don’t think anyone is wearing a street mask right now, where you can’t control and keep your distance. For example, on Knez Mihailova Street, you cannot control whether you will be within two meters at any time. I went there and besides me, two other people wore masks, the others didn’t – said Kon.

He points out that the recommendations are not understood as meaningful, that failure to comply with the recommendations led to the explosive spread of the virus in June.

Protective measures applied at school, mainly the use of masks, have led to a reduction in acute respiratory infections, Kon says, adding that there are now twice as many respiratory infections as in the same period last year.

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