Crisis staff members address the public after the decision to toughen epidemiological measures over the coming weekend.
Due to the increase in the number of crowns, the Crisis Staff decided that the working hours will be until 2 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
A new crisis staff session will take place on Monday.
“In the last 24 hours, 14,128 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 3,339 were recently infected. 16 patients died. Currently there are 159 patients on ventilators throughout Serbia,” said Minister Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

“All catering facilities in Serbia will be open tomorrow and the day after tomorrow from 6:00 to 14:00, regardless of whether they have a garden. After that, only delivery is allowed, so it is not possible to perform a counter. In the ski resorts, food and drinks will only be allowed outside. The sales counters on the ski slopes will be open until 2 pm, “said Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.
“Pharmacies, gas stations, dental surgeries and surgeries are excluded, then veterinary surgeries. The facilities to provide artisan services can work from 6 to 20 hours ”, he added.
“From the beginning, since we learned about the coronavirus, a lot of information about it has changed, it has been denied many times, and from the beginning we only know how it is transmitted and how to prevent its transmission. fortunate for the timely activities of the Serbian government to be among the first to receive vaccinations. However, compliance with the general preventive measures has no alternative, “continued Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

“It is obvious that we have relaxed. The time is going well, we all get carried away by that and the desire for a normal life, but it is time for all of us to invest the maximum force, whatever the measures are in force. Returning to the measures that give results. “
“More than 60 percent of those newly infected are between 20 and 60 years old, hence the active workforce.”
“We noticed an increase in the number of children in whom this virus was confirmed, although the majority with milder clinical pictures, but there were also deviations. Eight percent of the newly infected people are between 10 and 20 years old.”
“The total number of vaccinations is 1,393,035 and the total number of revaccinations is 506,949. The total number of people who have received at least one vaccine is 886,086.”
“It’s great that there is a great response, that we can even choose, that there is nowhere in the world. But we must not compromise the success of vaccination with our behavior. We have launched a counterattack.”

Dr. Mijomir Pelemić spoke about the burden of health capacities.
“I’m going to surprise you a bit. I remember 2009, when there was a flu epidemic. This starts to bother me, as soon as I get up in the morning and turn on the television, immediately the crown. It is as if there was only this disease. There are people they suffer from many other chronic diseases and sadly many of them are dying. “
“I am concerned about this number: how many die every day from the crown and how many are in intensive care, not just with a respirator.”
“Only overnight 90-something was examined in Infektivna, and 70-something was received,” Dr. Pelemis presented worrying data and announced the return of certain institutions to the covid system, even though they had just left it.
“Why is this the case? Because the measures are not respected,” added Dr. Pelemis and continued:
“It seems there are still a lot of people who don’t believe in this virus until they get sick.”

Currently, 605 health workers are infected, of which 16 are hospitalized ”.
“In relation to everyone except Sweden, tell me who has more relaxed measures than us.”
“The result is in sight, I am optimistic, but not to gain herd immunity as soon as possible, through a massive infection, but to vaccinate ourselves as much as possible.”

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Author: delivery courier