Dr. Jovanović explains why REST after treatment is NOT NECESSARY


Verica Jovanović, director of the Institute of Public Health “Trampoline”, tells RTS that it is not necessary to repeat the test for people who have completed the treatment.

As a guest in the RTS newspaper, she stated that the PCR method test, which is sovereign for the diagnosis of kovid-19, has been used since the beginning of the epidemic.

– During the epidemic, tests were developed for the rapid detection of viruses, which are mainly used when we have a large number of infected people. These are antigen tests. If someone has a fever, the cough should be done within two to three days of the onset of symptoms. Health centers are at your service, the result comes very quickly and the diagnosis is made as if a PCR test had been done. If the antigen test is negative and the person has symptoms, then the PCR test should be repeated, Jovanović notes.

According to her, there is no need to re-test for people who have completed treatment.

– It involves the application of protocols established by the WHO and the European Center for Disease Control and the Center for Disease Control. We have been applying it since August. Tests after 14 days at home, the conclusion of the doctor ended the infectivity of the one who tested positive. When it comes to treatment in hospital, the doctor decides how long the patient will stay at home, but there is no need to retest, Jovanović said.

It states that according to professional literature, there is no infectivity after 14 days.

– It is not necessary to carry out the test again, it is necessary to monitor the symptoms, contact the kovid clinic if someone in your environment has kovid 19. Until the symptoms appear, protective measures should be applied – Jovanović pointed out.

Jovanovic points out that in the protocol and daily work on the corona virus, health workers are citizens and the same principle applies to them.

It points out that a medical report is sufficient and that the employer should hire an employee based on that.

He points out that in our country, close contacts remain in quarantine for 14 days.

– In some other countries, this period has been reduced to ten days. We have 14 days. All the recommendations of the experts are followed and I believe that over time there will be numerous changes, but for the benefit of all. Everything that applies in the world, the monitoring and control of the epidemic, also applies in our country – concludes Jovanović.

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