Dr. Janković revealed which vaccine he will receive



29.12.2020. 22:57

Epidemiologist Srđa Janković stated tonight that the corona virus vaccine is not a magic wand and that it will not make the virus disappear, but it will facilitate the form of the disease.

Srdja jankovic

Srđa Janković, Photo: Tanjug

He said in the program “Questionnaire” on RTS that reactions to the vaccine should be divided not mild and expected, as well as that all vaccines that have passed the registry are safe.

Everything is safe and good to protect. The story that vaccines can be the initiator of autoimmune diseases is individual. My message is that all registered vaccines are safe – Janković said.

He added that he will be vaccinated when the vaccination arrives at the institution where he works, and that he will be among the first to do so to set an example.

All vaccines that pass rigorous testing are safe to use. The fact that some passed faster does not mean that they had softer criteria. Each vaccine continues to be tested after the start of administration. – Janković said.

He pointed out that he will be vaccinated with a vaccine that will be in use at the moment he is due.

All vaccines that pass the test are good to use. Everything that has been registered so far has passed security checks. The fact that they passed them faster does not mean that the tests had softer criteria. Just because it is done faster does not mean that it is done more smoothly. The safety of the vaccine is high. – said Dr. Janković.
