Dr. Janković on the eve of the crisis staff session on how realistic REDUCTION IS, but also how he will celebrate Saint Nicholas


Immunologist and Crisis Staff member Srdja Jankovic says that, as a medical staff member, she can speak on behalf of her colleagues, noting that relaxation could not be on the table tomorrow because “the current situation does not even allow it. justifies it. ” He says that he would not prejudge the new measures, and would not speak of the old ones, except that they must be respected.

– It has happened several times that before the Crisis Staff sessions, there is speculation and bidding on what the decision will be in the session, so an atmosphere is created that if our consideration of the situation at that time does not result new, dramatic, spectacular measures, then the session was pointless and futile. It is legitimate that the body that monitors the situation meets precisely to monitor the situation – said the immunologist of “Novo jutro”.

In terms of clinical pictures and their severity, Dr. Janković says that these patients increasingly dominate those in hospitals, which does not mean that there are not those with milder clinical pictures.

“System not broken”

He points out that the situation in the hospitals is not good, that the system is overloaded to the extreme, but that it has not been “broken” because the patients still have the necessary help.

– Many health workers have fallen from the machine, but there are those who continue working, all so that the system does not break. That is why it is important to respect the measurements and not collect unnecessarily. If we meet for any reason other than a vital necessity of life, we will enter next year with the danger that even more people get sick – says the immunologist from “Novo jutro”.

Photo: Domenico Stinellis / Tanjug / AP

And Dr. Srdja celebrates Saint Nicholas

He points out that, as a citizen and expert, he assures that it is not the time to meet, and that his glory, Saint Nicholas, will spend in the closest circle of the family, because it is Christian to take care of one’s own health and that of others.

– We must understand that sometimes there are problems that require a collective and individual resignation to alleviate the problem. If, instead of a pandemic, that problem were a fire, we would see more solidarity, but why we are less supportive when it comes to a pandemic, that is a matter of analysis – says Dr. Janković.

14 percent of health workers in the world are infected, that is serious data

When it comes to crossing the border and entering Serbia, the immunologist says that no one can be banned from entering his country, but that it is important to protect health. That is why, as of December 20, a PCR test no longer than 48 hours will be necessary at the border, otherwise, a 10-day home quarantine will be determined.

When it comes to opening covid hospitals, Dr. Janković says they were necessary and that without them we would be in a much more difficult situation than we are now. It says that healthcare workers are under load and that people are exposed to the virus all day long, so it is inevitable that some of them will become infected.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

– The WHO published the data that 14% of health workers in the world are infected, that is serious data – says Dr. Janković.

When does the situation normalize?

When asked when the situation will normalize, Dr. Janković says he expects a change for the better when the vaccine arrives, which is a very important tool.

– The first vaccines are entered in the registry and it is good that it is not one, but more, but it is important that each of them is safe. For now, children are not the target group for vaccination, and the priorities will be those most exposed to the virus and those most threatened by it, says Dr. Janković for Pink.
