Dr. Janković cautions that we do not have enough epidemiologists to send contacts BECAUSE THERE ARE TOO MANY


A member of the Crisis Team, Dr. Srdja Janković, said that it is not so easy to follow the contacts of those infected “because there are too many”, and that there are only a little more than a hundred epidemiologists in the entire country.

He explained that now we don’t have enough epidemiologists to monitor every contact from every infected person because the number is too large. As he says, when there were fewer infected people, the chain of suspicious contacts was much easier to verify.

– The essence is to monitor the course of the epidemic, surely there will be a time when we will not be able to follow all contacts and that is now, we cannot follow it, when there were fewer cases than we could – he said as a guest on H1.

Photo: Miloš Cvetković / RAS Serbia

Janković also explained that no one can enter Serbia without a complete form and report, and epidemiologists follow them, as well as the contacts of those infected.

“We are just at the beginning of the third wave”

The immunologist also said that we are just at the beginning of the third wave and that the epidemic is beginning to accelerate.

– We have a large number of patients, and this is accelerating and we are only at the beginning. Still, it’s nice that we can slow this down. Our common goal must be to stop the epidemic while respecting the measures – said the immunologist.

Taking into account the number of patients who broke all black records yesterday, if there will be new measures and how drastic they will be, Janković replied that the current measures must be fully respected and that this is the key to solving the epidemic.

Dr. Srdja Jankovic Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Dr. Srdja Jankovic

Dr. Janković for the early closure of the bar

– We already have some measures in place, as miserable as they sound, they are key to preventing the epidemic. These measures can now be toughened up a bit in terms of the previous closure of the premises – said Dr. Janković, adding that even that would mean nothing if not strictly adhered to.

He also said that it is not a shame to admit that a part of society does not recognize the danger and that some part of the system is not working properly.

– It depends on all of us and the implementation of the measures. We must all work together to save as many lives as possible. It is not a shame to admit that a part of the citizens does not recognize the danger and that it is always the case everywhere. Some parts of the system have failed, as in any system, some parts fail, but it happens everywhere, even in Germany, which is considered an orderly system, he said.

Ambis PA mere?

When asked why we do not have stricter measures now and why the Serbian president announced a curfew only when we reach the “abyss”, Dr. Janković replied again that the measures must be respected, “so that they are not come to this abyss. “

Dr. Srdja JankovicPhoto: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Dr. Srdja Jankovic

– Let’s not reach the abyss, from the point of view of epidemiologists, our goal is not to scare people, our goal is not to consider such drastic measures – he said.

The course of the conversation continued in the direction of why we took more drastic measures this spring when we had fewer people infected.

– Initially it made sense to embrace the first blow with drastic measures, but as it lasted for months, it is not only a risk for the economy, but also for health and the psychological impact. It was the beginning, we didn’t even know how long it would last, we hoped to decapitate the virus then. There were indications that this was possible. But the virus is unpredictable, we had a relatively strong wave during the summer, and now this fall, but we don’t allow the luxury of life to stop, explained Dr. Janković.

The journalist H1 asked the immunologist about the responsibility of the Crisis Staff for the measures currently in force and their implementation, to which Janković said that “the point is not to pass the ball of responsibility from one to another, but to respect measures themselves and this should apply to everyone in the country. “

He also emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Crisis Staff to make optimal proposals according to the situation, adding that there is no pressure on the Crisis Staff.

Jankovic said that the measures may be stricter, but it depends on the development of the situation, for now we must adhere to the current measures.

– Now we recommend that anyone can work from home. For now, kovid shows up sporadically in schools, whether the entire school system will go online depends on the course of the situation – he concluded.

Video: Sequence of symptoms in coronavirus
