Dr. Ivo Udovicic explains to Kurir why extremely obese younger people mostly die for the crown


Kovid, a patient of almost 300 kilograms, died last night at the reception of the Nis Clinical Center.

Boban P, who was only 48 years old, couldn’t even go to the hospital for days because he was overweight because firefighters couldn’t get him out, and when he finally managed to stand up and leave the house last night. , could not enter the clinical center because he fell and died at the entrance.

Colonel doc. Dr. Ivo Udovicic, our excellent anesthesiologist and commander of the VIDC “Karaburma” hospital, explains to Kurir why the youngest people with extreme obesity are the worst in the crown.

– What we noticed in the “Karaburma” hospital for this year and 2,000 patients and more than 200 patients in the intensive care unit is that the most threatened category are the youngest people with extreme obesity and the highest mortality is among them. The biggest problem is that even when they are not sick, they have trouble breathing. Since the diaphragm is the main muscle for breathing, in these people, when they are defenseless, they are weak and when they lie down, all the abdominal organs are on the diaphragm. And no matter how hard they try to breathe, the diaphragm doesn’t have enough contraction to create negative pressure and stretch the lungs so that air can be blown into the lungs and gas exchange can take place. That is why patients who are extremely obese, especially the youngest category, are in danger and pass the worst in the crown: Dr. Udovicic explains to Kurir and emphasizes that younger and obese people should be vaccinated.

Another important point is that with kovid 19 it is more difficult for younger people to pass, and not for older people: the immune response.

– We have two phases of the disease – viral, which lasts the first seven to 10 days, when the virus enters the cells, destroys them and finishes its work. And after practically 10 days, the virus is not even in the body. And then comes the immune phase of the disease, when the immune system has to clean up everything the virus has done, all that mess, all those dead cells. And if that immune response is excessive, cytokine oil is produced, which is especially characteristic for younger people, and not for the elderly. In older people, the immune system is old, and such an over-response cannot occur, Dr. Udovicic notes.


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