Dr. Ivana Stašević Karličić warns: INSOMNIA, the trigger for HEART DISEASE


Insomnia is not something that came to us with the corona virus, but due to increased stress in the conditions of a pandemic, more and more people are complaining of poor sleep, especially those who already have a chronic illness. Stressful situations like this that the entire world goes through often involve too much nicotine, caffeine, heavy food, and alcohol, as well as a lack of physical activity. That is why we sleep less, we wake up during the night or early in the morning, sleep no longer rests us, so the next day we are tired and listless.

Unfortunately, insomnia that lasts for a long time is not a harmless phenomenon at all and we should not ignore it because it can cause more serious health problems and is most often the trigger for the development of cardiovascular diseases. That is why it is important to recognize when it is time to go to the doctor.

– Insomnia often occurs in cardiovascular diseases, which is associated with the activation of the autonomic nervous system and disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the so-called. HPA axis. Insomnia and the resulting tension, anxiety and even depression can be the cause and effect of chronic activation or dysregulation of the HPA axis, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, while these diseases themselves can cause insomnia and its consequences – explains doc. dr sci. medicine Ivana Stašević Karličić, psychiatrist and acting director of the “Dr Laza Lazarević” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases.

Increases blood pressure and speeds up the work of the heart.

It is a vicious cycle, adds the doctor, in which it is difficult to determine the nature of the cause-effect relationship.

– One of the possible explanations for this connection is that chronic insomnia, with its influence on cellular inflammatory and immune mechanisms, increases blood pressure and speeds up the work of the heart, which is the first link in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand, insomnia negatively affects people with heart disease, causing exhaustion, fatigue and increased tension, which in turn increases the metabolic and energy demands of the body.

– Bad sleep depletes the remaining capacities of our body and aggravates the clinical picture and subjective problems.

A symptom of a mental or physical disorder.

For this reason, says our interlocutor, whenever the insomnia lasts longer and involves a functioning problem, whether at a personal, professional, social or physical or mental health level, it is necessary to see a doctor.

– The doctor will make a proper diagnosis and determine if insomnia is just a symptom of a mental or physical illness or is a primary problem or a consequence of a current psychological problem or a stressful situation. In any case, it is necessary to carry out appropriate pharmacological or psychological treatment – says Dr. Stasevic Karlicic and adds that insomnia can occur in healthy people for various reasons of a psychological nature, but still occurs much more frequently as one of the symptoms of a mental or psychiatric disorder. physical disorder.

Tips for better sleep

* comfortable bed for sleeping

* regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day

* make sure you eat healthy

* Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

* Always go to bed at the same time

* Avoid daily naps

* Remove the TV from the bedroom

Doc. Dr sci. honey. Ivana Stašević Karličić is a psychiatrist and acting director of the “Dr Laza Lazarević” Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases.
