DR GNJATOVIC ANSWERS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION: Should people who have had a crown get vaccinated?


– According to the manufacturers, the vaccine is 95% effective, of course, it needs to be monitored. It is not known how long the immunity will last, that time will be shown, those details are also not clear to the producers, Gnjatović said as a guest on TV Pink.

In either case, it will provide protection.

– We will monitor the antibody response after admission and efficacy. It has been shown that natural immunity lasts several months, in most patients it has been noted that it lasts from eight to nine months, in a small percentage it happens that the antibodies disappear – said Dr. Gnjatović.

Dr. Gnjatović has previously said that vaccines based on the use of genetic material from the virus will appear on the market, what kind of vaccines are they?

The Pfizer vaccine is based on the application of information RNA technology, the genetic RNA material of the virus is practically injected, which activates the production of the virus protein, to which our body will create immunity.

It is a spike protein that is crucial for the virus to enter host cells. The new mutation is expected to be effective, the manufacturers claim.

These mutations occurred in that spike protein that elicits an immune response, but in much smaller segments.

The vaccine is based on the production of all the adhesive and the production of antibodies against more of these immunogens on that particular protein.

Should people who have had a crown get vaccinated?

– They should not be in the first line of administration, because they have antibodies. But when vaccines are more accessible, it is not out of place to extend immunity in that way as well, Dr. Gnjatović concluded.


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