DR DAVIDOVIĆ EXPRESSED REGARDING THE RESULTS: Due to the crown, this disease also threatens to break out!


The director of this institution, Professor Dr. Lazar Davidović, confirmed that any delay in the treatment of this disease is a great risk and that examinations of critically ill patients should be carried out during the crown.

It is life threatening and has no symptoms.

Delaying treatment can have consequences and death in vascular diseases, which are very specific.

– If gangrene is treated, everything is fine, but if it is not treated in time, the patient will lose a leg. Also, if there is a narrowing of the carotid artery, a stroke can occur. Narrowing of the abdominal or thoracic aorta is life threatening and does not have to give any symptoms. That’s why it’s extremely important to monitor such things during the crown period, says Dr. Lazar Davidović.

Delaying treatment is fatal

During the major “stroke” of the coronavirus, the vascular surgery clinic, in addition to emergencies, also received chronic patients, whose treatment could not be delayed.

– No patient was injured, we received everyone when it was deemed that there was no need to wait. These are patients in whom postponing the operation for a few weeks would have catastrophic consequences. When it comes to abdominal aortic aneurysms, a large number of people do not have any symptoms and the disease is discovered by accident with an ultrasound examination, says Dr. Lazar Davidović.

Total capacity 70 percent

We are not yet at full capacity, because we work in two, instead of three rooms, due to the increased distance and the decrease in the number of people in the clinic, explains Dr. Davidović.

– Every week, an anesthesiologist goes to the hospital, so the capacity in our country has been reduced. However, we expect that when we summarize the data, our workload this year will be 70 percent of normal. We wanted as few people as possible to stay together in the same room and, at the same time, the work had to be done properly. We did it – concludes the teacher.

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