04.10.2020. 21:59 – 04.10.2020. 22:23
In TV Pink’s studio are Ana Brnabić, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Dragoljub Milanović and Ivan Radovanović

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The TV Pink study includes Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of Serbia, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Deputy Director of the Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović – Trampoline”, Dragoljub Milanović, former director of RTS and Ivan Radovanović, journalist.
At the beginning of the show, the guests commented on the news in some opposition media that the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić will announce who the new members of the Government are on October 5.
Brnabic said there is no doubt that the main topic of tomorrow’s SNS session will be the composition of the new government, adding that he did not know if President Vucic would announce the names of the new members on October 5.
The Prime Minister said that the opposition media “totally agrees” and then those lies continue.
Radovanović said that everyone knows that Dragan Đilas is directly behind the site and that it is clear that many opposition media are lying about the intentions of the opponents.
– They do not target a wider audience, but only like-minded people. Nobody who supports this government will believe his list – he said.
Milanovic said such lists had appeared before, adding that some informants were leaking certain information.
Proposal No. 1 – Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
Speaking about the frozen conflict, Radovanovic said that we have a curse on our heads and that the Kosovo issue has been a bone in our throats for a long time.
– Kosovo is an opportunity to have a joint plan, but for that we have to get out of the skin of daily politics – said Radovanović.
He said that we need to have a plan as a society and as a nation.
Milanovic said that the Kosovo issue is a broad geopolitical problem.
– I lived in Kosovo for 15 years … Since I knew myself, I went there because my mother was born in Kosovo – he said.
Milanovic said the constant provocations come from Pristina, but also from Edi Rama.
When asked if we have an answer to the provocations from the Albanian side, Brnabic said yes, but that it is not simple.

Hit tvit, Photo: Print Screen / Pink
He added that Aleksandar Vučić worked diligently to change the opinion of the great powers on the Kosovo issue and raise it again, as well as that he was willing not to hide difficult decisions and explain them.
– He put things in their place on a chessboard … So the first big difference for me was to form the Serbian List, and that meant the unity of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. The first time we saw the unity, you saw the nervousness in the ranks of the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, and then Aleksandar Vučić worked on it, and for at least two years we did not hear the term “Two Sides”. It is almost impossible to exclude such terms from world politics, and Aleksandar Vučić succeeded, Brnabić noted.
Kisić Tepavčević said that conflicts never go away on their own and that we all know this from various segments of life.
He said that all frozen conflicts generally end the same way, and Nagorno-Karabakh is an example of that.
– The duration of the frozen conflict also hurts us, but it is we who are willing to compromise – declared Kisić Tepavčević.
Talking about whether there are Serbian weapons in Azerbaijan, Brnabic said that Serbia has a specially designed industry and that it must export weapons somewhere and operate according to the United Nations rules, and that there is currently no information about whether there are our weapons. in Azerbaijan.

Hit tvit, Photo: Print Screen / Pink
“We respect all international standards,” Brnabić pointed out, adding that someone is deliberately attacking our industry built specifically for other companies to get jobs.
Brnabic says he agrees that countries should have absolute consensus on two or three national issues, and that this is not an internal political struggle.
– You have the opposition grouped around Djilas and Obradovic who do not say “Let’s help Aleksandar Vucic because the frozen conflict is something that can be thawed every day” … It happened in Nagorno-Karabakh, all of a sudden. Those people, Djilas, Jeremic, Obradovic, told him: “We are going to bring him down over the Kosovo issue.” There is so much frivolity of those people towards the younger generations, so we have to resolve that conflict, Brnabić emphasized.
Kisić Tepavčević said that conflicts never go away on their own and that we all know this from various segments of life.
He said that all frozen conflicts generally end the same way, and Nagorno-Karabakh is an example of that.
– The duration of the frozen conflict also hurts us, but it is we who are willing to compromise – declared Kisić Tepavčević.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Serigraph / Rose
Proposition No. 2 – Victims of the Crown
Speaking on this issue, Radovanović said that people are attacking the Crisis Staff, which neither brought nor invented the crown.
Kisic Tepavcevic said that the crown knows no borders at all.
He also said that when it comes to reporting infectious diseases, it didn’t start with kovid, it has been going on for as long as they existed.
Infectious disease notification works by sending doctors to the authorities and everything flows into Trampoline, Kisić Tepavčević added.
– For the first time in regards to this pandemic, we wanted to have transparent data and for the first time we had an information system … We communicate everything every day. At no time, at no time, did we publish data different from what they arrived – said Kisić Tepavčević.
She explained that no one forbade anyone from doing their job, but the data kept coming in.
Kisić Tepavčević pointed out that 170 health centers, 24 institutes and institutes enter data, and that several hundred people are included in that.
– I have to mention the enormous work of fellow epidemiologists … We thank our fellow clinicians … It is an illusion that we did not wear coats. Epidemiologists are burning brightly and will only work intensively, he said.
Speaking about why there are constant attacks on crisis personnel and the state, Brnabic said:
– Because we have politicians in the opposition who are too rich, who became rich because they were in power for 10 years and now they have means through which they attack the government, to return to it … Nothing is sacred, everything can be done attack – said the Prime Minister.
He noted that the stories that are being posted are not helping anyone.
He recalled that Dr. Zoran Radovanović said during the 2009 epidemic that there were many more deaths than the official figure, and that this was not an issue at the time because the media was not authorized to publish it at that time.
Milanovic said on this issue that he respected and listened to the advice of crisis personnel.
Proposition No. 3 – No evidence
Speaking of this, Brnabić said that you don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this statement.
It says that a member of the Anti-Corruption Council presented such things, without evidence.
– This is proof on your side that we are doing well, because they are not attacking the results … Today we have as many foreign investors as they had in the three best years together … Everything is growing, the economy is great , historically unemployment is never lower, employment never bigger, everything goes as it should, and they invent those things – said Brnabić.