Dr. Daria spoke about the measures and figures and revealed the real situation in the country



09.11.2020. 19:06

He recalled that there are probably 5 to 10 times more people in Belgrade who are infected with the corona virus compared to official data.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Printscreen / RTS

Minister of Labor, Employment and Veterans and Social Affairs, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević was a guest on tonight’s “Belgrade Chronicle” on RTS and spoke about current measures against korona virusa and he referred to the organization of work during the epidemic.

Do you work from home or from the office?

He recalled that there are probably 5 to 10 times more people in Belgrade who are infected with the corona virus compared to official data.

We have at least 5 to 10 times more people who are infected with the corona virus but do not know that they have had contact with an infected person or have an asymptomatic infection. These people are potential carriers of the infection. We should all act like we have a virus – said Tepavcevic.

He also referred to what measures should be valid in the workplace.

– We have seen that this epidemic lasts and will last a long time and we simply have to learn to live and work with this virus. We must adhere to the same preventive measures in our work, because the work group is a place where we can become infected, so conditions must be created in which there is the least possibility of spreading the infection. Working from home and teleworking are defined by the Labor Law.
