Dr. Conn emphasized: “The virus is still present, over 65 years of age in transport only if necessary” Society


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May 08, 2020 9:46 PM |

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Epidemiologist Predrag Kon tells RTS that it has reduced the percentage of detected cases, making the virus even less in circulation.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon tells RTS that it has reduced the percentage of detected cases, making the virus even less in circulation. He claims that people over 65 and the chronically ill should continue to avoid public transportation.

Predrag Kon, a guest at the Belgrade Chronicle, said the recommendation on measures on public transport knows the script: tea for those who are more sensitive, over 65 and chronically ill.

“They should avoid transportation unless they need to, and when necessary, wear masks and possibly gloves. Whatever the recommendation, it is mandatory at this point. It is even better not to use it until the percentage is stable below one per percent, “said Conn.

When asked if he would get on the bus and if someone does not have a mask, he states that he would have it, thus nullifying any lack of will to respect the measures.

“The one who does not wear the mask, and everyone else wears it, is protected. It is the same as with the vaccine. Although that number is quite small, it is not a problem, when it is higher, those who wear masks are protected. , which is the most important thing, “he said. it’s Kon.

According to him, it is logical that people want to get rid of a little.

“When it comes to transportation, I am extremely satisfied, there are no excessive crowds. I don’t think there will be more for a while. As for cafes, the behavior in the city center and on the outskirts is not the same The measures are generally respected, except in some societies, “he said. Kon

He notes that there are a significant number of 95 infected people indicating that the virus is present.

“Only when it is zero for 28 days, then we can say that the epidemic no longer exists, until the virus is present. When it is regularly below 20 infected, it is already between 0.4 and 0.5 percent, then that period is only present sporadically. ” we will have. We will have zero someday, so it will reappear, “Kon concluded, adding that when 28 days is zero, then we can say with certainty that we are out of the epidemic.
