Dr. Cohn presented troubling data, the corona virus behaves completely differently!



28.11.2020. 08:05

In the last 24 hours, 22,404 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 7,780 of them tested positive, while sadly 57 people died. The corona virus breaks black records day by day, and in this third wave it is, convincingly, the largest number of people infected.

Predrag Kon

Predrag Kon, Photo: Print Screen / RTS

The impression is that the clinical picture has changed. The epidemiologist Predrag Kon, when asked about the symptoms and clinical picture of patients in this wave and whether they differ from the previous wave, said:

– It is a big wave that hit and just, as he said, I think prof. Branislav Tiodorović, the tide, is no longer a wave, but very strong, there are many infected, so what is admitted to the hospital is no longer the same as before.

Do you respect the measures against the crown?

It has an incomparably greater number of severe cases and different symptoms. That impression is that there has been some change, but the impression is misleading from what I said. You have an enormous amount of things that are not recorded and that remain at home and are practically not controlled in hospital conditions, then you have the impression that everything is different.

Time will crystallize that virology itself, that is, virologists, do not say that there has been any change. These are all just impressions at this time and there is not a single piece of evidence that there has been any change in the virus that affects that way.

What is different is that we are in the autumn-winter season and now perhaps I would say for the first time that it is significantly different, not only in our country, but literally throughout Europe and the northern hemisphere, the behavior of this virus during the fall – winter season.

We see it for the first time now in the autumn – winter season. So one may wonder if it is its seasonal character after all, so that the impressions that we had before are practically non-seasonal, the question arises that such an impression will survive, because this is a large increase compared to the previous two waves in our country. that is to say, to the previous wave that was in Europe, said Conn for Espresso.
