Dr. Belojevic: For everything, you will get the crown!



29.09.2020. 14:01 – 29.09.2020. 14:06

He assessed that adultery is a “time bomb” for the spread of the corona virus and recommended that one should “stick to one’s partner.”

Goran belojevic

Goran Belojević, Photo: RTS / Printscreen

Belgrade Medical School Professor Dr. Goran Belojevic believes that the number of people infected with the corona virus will increase in the fall, marking socialization and adultery as the most dangerous factors for the spread of Kovid -19.

“There is one thing that no one mentions, and that is the seventh commandment of God, which says ‘do not commit adultery,'” Dr. Belojevic said, as a guest on the morning show Happy TV.

He assessed that adultery is a “time bomb” for the spread of the corona virus and recommended that one should “stick to one’s partner.”

“It is not about morality, it is about life,” said Dr. Belojevic.

Dr. Belojevic expects an increase in the number of infected in the fall, mainly due to the return of the students to their homes, when they begin to socialize more intensely.

Commenting on various celebrations, including weddings, Dr. Belojevic said that weddings are not a problem, but you need to wear masks and keep your distance.

According to him, the corona virus will last until the end of next year.
