Dr. Anna reveals what to smell and checks for corona symptoms VIDEO


DOES THE CROWN AS JUST CLEAN THE LUNGS OR BLOW THE SMOKERS?  Dr. Ana reveals what to smell and checks for corona symptoms VIDEO

Photo: RTS Printscreen Surgery

BELGRADE – Dr. Ana Stojanović, head of the pulmonology department at KBC Bežanijska kosa, revealed how to recognize coronary pneumonia, what saturation is, but also practical advice such as what to smell and find out if you have one of the main symptoms: loss of heart! sense of smell!

Dr. Stojanović, as a guest on the public service program, said that the flu is completely different from kovid and the situation is not nearly the same as with the common flu: the old and well-known flu affects only the respiratory organs and kovid is a systemic inflammation and causes changes throughout the body. in the heart, kidneys …

Research, he says, shows that we are most contagious when we think we have nothing or when we have no symptoms.

– In the first 2-5 days after contact with the virus, we are the most contagious, so it is important to examine the contacts. This is followed by fever, chills, chills, often but not always, and then problems with the sense of taste and smell. These symptoms can be discovered by smelling lemon, orange, sugar, vinegar … When the disease takes hold, after 5-7 days, there is a sensation of lack of air that accompanies weakness, lethargy, stinging and heaviness in the chest – explains the pulmonologist.

In corona, an X-ray gives an answer and a stethoscope does not, because it is excellent for bacterial pneumonias, but not for viral ones. He added that this disease is self-healing and the therapy given to the patient only helps his body fight it on its own.

– That the crown likes clean lungs is not true. Smokers are at the same risk as everyone else – Dr. Ana emphasizes and attracts us all with the following words: pay attention to behavior, keep a distance of two meters, wear masks with the important note that contact requires more than 15 minutes to get sick.

(Kurir.rs/RTS Ordinacija)

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