DPS: Mandator acts like a believer, irresponsibly ignoring the potential of the virus


It is worrying that the prime minister-designate is acting like a believer, the Democratic Party of Socialists said in a statement, emphasizing that “sadness and expressions of respect and esteem towards the religious leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Amfilohije, they must not turn into an irresponsible euphoria in which everything is allowed. “

“Given that the coronavirus epidemic is claiming new victims every day, that many European countries are reintroducing quarantine measures, as a last resort in unprecedented efforts to slow the spread of the disease and prevent further loss of life, the necessity to express pain and respect for the believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church. “According to the late Metropolitan Amfilohije, there should be no excuse for irresponsible behavior, which can cost us new human victims,” ​​said the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS).

“Scenes that we have witnessed the last two days: a crowd of unauthorized individuals in the corridors of a health center that is under a special regime during the epidemic and where civilians are not allowed; stamping believers in front of the scaffolding, kissing objects in the same room to thousands of people at a time when the epidemic “is really inadmissible. It is absolutely irresponsible to ignore the dangerous potential of this virus, the consequences of which killed the religious leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, but also more than a million people in the world, “DPS said in a statement.

The DPS considers that it is worrying that the designated prime minister, as an active participant in these events, does not recognize the moment when, with his example and public appeal, he influences public awareness of the danger of such behavior.

Contrary to what is expected of someone who should be in charge of the government of citizens of all religions and nationalities, he appears in public announcements on social networks exclusively from the position of a propagandist of the religion and a faithful believer of a church in Montenegro. The public service of all citizens of Montenegro has announced a live broadcast of the event, which according to all announcements may be risky for the health of a large number of people, which is a direct violation of the measures of the National Coordinator ” DPS said.

The statement added that sadness and expressions of respect and esteem towards the religious leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church should not turn into “irresponsible euphoria in which everything is allowed.”

“We call on all those involved in organizing the farewell of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church to take into account all the challenges, especially the health challenges that accompany such an event.
