Dorcol protest: Vucic says – beaten workers, citizens – that was impossible


The recent protest by citizens in Dorcol in Belgrade over the construction of a tram network during the curfew was not just a protest for the President. Because Aleksandar Vucic affirms that those gathered “attacked and beat” the workers who carry out the work. On the other hand, those at the demonstration said there were no incidents, let alone a beating.

At the time of the movement ban, the machines were operated at night in Dorcol. Although almost everything stopped, to continue building a trolleybus network in that part of the city, it was not applied. To stop work during the curfew, citizens took to the streets on April 28. However, President Aleksandar Vucic claims that the protest did not only take place that night.

“And they forget that the night before we had attacks and beatings on Dorcol workers and they bragged about it, saying there were a lot of smart people who did such things,” Vucic said yesterday.

Although the president claims that there have been attacks and beatings by workers, those who attended the demonstration have rejected such accusations. Vuk Tapuskovic of the Dorcol Neighbors Association told N1 that the protest was spontaneous and that there were no incidents.

“Far from being beaten, this was also impossible since, on the one hand, there were thirty workers: big men, six, seven police cars, three, four marches, communal police, etc. there were around a hundred citizens: women , children, retirees, some men, but all residents of the area, “says Tapuskovic.

N1: Was that one of you legitimized that night? The police arrested someone?

“No, no, the police were on the side, they were filming the situation, so I’m sure those cameras can see who was there and who was doing what,” he said.

The protest was also attended by the first man from the Stari Grad municipality, Marko Bastac, who claims that President Aleksandar Vucic’s accusations at the expense of citizens are incorrect.

“No one attacked the workers, there was no violence, the president lied once again, this is a protest by citizens about the decisions that the city government is trying to implement without asking the profession or the citizens themselves. Le we ask the president to apologize, we ask him to hold a citizens’ assembly that Goran Vesic will attend to tell citizens what they think about all this, “said Bastac.

At the moment, it is not known what information on the entire situation is being handled by the relevant authorities of the Interior Ministry. Because they did not respond by N1 if any of the workers reported being beaten and if there were arrests that night.

Otherwise, citizens began protests in November 2019 to point out illegal activities and technical deficiencies in the construction of the tram network. And from the Dorcol Neighbors Association, they also say that the purpose of the president’s statement is to intimidate people into not protesting again.
