“Don’t worry Dule, YOU WILL BE THE DIRECTOR”


The Serbian National Assembly continued its work today, and the election of the president, secretary general and working bodies of the parliament is on the agenda, which will complete the constitutional process, which began on August 3.

As Aleksandar Vučić, president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, announced on Tuesday evening, the leader of the SPS and the outgoing head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dačić, will be elected President of the Assembly.

After that, Serbia will take a step close to forming a new Serbian government and answer the question of who will be the new ministers.

Ivica Dačić addressed the room with the SPS parliamentary club, and earlier he told reporters that he was honored to be at the head of the highest representative body.

– My role is to represent the parliament, to do my best for Serbia. The session has not started yet because of you – Dacic told reporters, who “persecuted” him the most.

Assembly of SerbiaPhoto: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Assembly of Serbia

The oldest MP, Smilja Timša, opened today’s sitting and declared that there were 227 MPs in the room.

After the National Assembly determined that there was a quorum for the continuation of the session, the deputies who were not present on August 3 took the oath and the Assembly continued with its work.

Another item on the agenda refers to the election of the president. The president told MPs that she had only received one proposal from parliamentary groups for the speaker of parliament.

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Assembly of Serbia

During the debate on the new leadership of the parliament, the deputies also referred to the addresses of public companies.

Thus, the president of the United Serbia parliamentary group, Dragan Markovic Palma, during his speech on the proposal of the candidate for the presidency of the parliament, addressed his colleague and coalition partner, the director of “Serbia Gas” Dusan Bajatovic, and He told him not to worry if he would remain in that position. 2008.

– Here Dule is worried about if he will continue being the director. Don’t worry, Dule, you will be the director – said Markovic, stating that “Serbia has had gasoline since Dule became director”.

SPS deputy Djordje Milicevic explained Ivica Dacic’s proposal for a candidate for the presidency of the National Assembly and on that occasion noted that the ruling coalition has taken a big step forward since 2012 when it comes to parliamentary democracy in Serbia.

– Democracy is achieved in elections, not in the streets and implies a multiparty system. Citizens had the opportunity to say what they think about the parties and their programs in the elections, and it is up to the parties to accept the clearly expressed will of the citizens, no matter how much they liked it and did not like it – said Milicevic.

He stated that it is “an honor and a privilege to be able to speak about the candidate’s proposal.”

– For the first time in the recent history of Serbia, the president of a political party is a candidate for president of the National Assembly. From the beginning of his career, Ivica Dačić held important positions, both in his party and in the legislative and executive branches. He is a 28-year-old deputy, he successfully fulfilled all his duties and left important traces of his work. I am completely convinced that with the new leadership, the parliament will respond successfully to all the challenges that will be presented to it – he said.

Assembly of Serbia Photo: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Assembly of Serbia

After the constitutive session, the deputies must approve amendments to the Government and Ministries law, considering that the creation of two new ministries has been announced, and then in a special session, to be held on Wednesday, the president for the composition of the new government Ana Brnabić present her presentations and the proposal of the composition of the new government to the deputies.

Secretary General and Vice Presidents

Once the deputies elect Dacic, they will move on to the next item on the agenda in the process of forming the parliamentary leadership, the election of the six vice-presidents proposed by the parliamentary groups.

As mentioned in public, the parliamentary group of the Serbian Progressive Party will delegate Vladimir Orlić and Sandra Božić to these functions, while the vice-president of the Assembly will be a member of the parliamentary group of United Serbia Marija Jevđić on behalf of the SPS-JS coalition.

Šapić arrives at the assemblyPhoto: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Šapić arrives at the assembly

After the election of the Vice President, the deputies will proceed to the vote of the Secretary General of the Assembly. According to “Blic”, one of Ivica Dačić’s closest associates, Veljko Odalović, will be elected to this position.

Assembly of SerbiaPhoto: Aleksndar Slavković / RAS Serbia

Assembly of Serbia

He already performed this function in the mandate from 2008 to 2012, and comes to a new position from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was also Secretary General.
