11.12.2020. 10:00
Every third patient is considered occasionally or constantly to have an unpleasant feeling of bloating.

Ass dr sci. honey. Dusan Popovic, Photo: Promo
Ass dr sci. honey. Dušan Popović, a gastroenterohepatologist at the Gastroenterology Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center, answers the questions of why bloating is a common problem today and how to alleviate it.
Flatulence is a very common symptom in daily gastroenterological practice. The reasons for the swelling may be different. These can be: eating disorders, functional or organic. The mistakes that are made in the diet are when people eat irregularly, the meals are abundant, the food does not digest well. All of this leads to increased entry of air into the digestive organs, causing a feeling of bloating, increased air release and belching. We must not forget the intake of carbonated beverages and smoking. Flatulence is usually a symptom of a functional disorder.
What are the functional disorders of the digestive organs? Functional disorders are a consequence of the altered passage of food content through the digestive organs and / or their increased sensitivity, and in the absence of visible organic damage. The most important functional disorders are the nervous colon syndrome and dyspepsia. In addition to bloating, these disorders are associated with: pain, irregular bowel movements, a feeling of discomfort, heaviness, and “overflow” in the abdomen. The presence of functional disorders reduces the quality of life of patients.
How do we know if the problems are caused by a functional or organic disorder of the digestive tract? The first step is to speak with the doctor who will take the history and exam. The symptoms that indicate an organic disease (the so-called alarm symptoms) are: anemia, blood in the stool, change in constipation and diarrhea, weight loss, persistent vomiting, existence of cancer in the family, etc. Patients with alarm symptoms require an immediate and detailed gastroenterological examination (laboratory analysis, ultrasound, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc.).
Alarm symptoms are not usually present in functional disorders. It is also typical that these patients do not have any problems at night. Your problems usually get worse during stress and disappear after you empty your bowels or let go of the winds (with a nervous colon).
What advice would you give to patients who complain of bloating? Treatment of swelling begins with the application of a hygienic-dietary regimen. This means that patients should have regular meals, in smaller quantities, digest food well and eat slowly. It is necessary to avoid foods that cause bloating (cauliflower, peas, beans, carbonated drinks, sugars, etc.). People who experience bloating after ingesting milk may be deficient in lactase (an enzyme that breaks down the sugar in milk). They can have lactose-free milk, sour milk, and yogurt. Since each person is an individual, different foods cause bloating in some and not others, requiring an individual approach and avoiding strict dietary restrictions. Elimination of stress, regular physical activity and smoking cessation are taken for granted.

Ass dr sci. honey. Dusan Popovic, Photo: Promo
There are a number of preparations that are used for swelling. It is necessary to choose the one that acts on the cause itself. The selected preparation needs to be safe and effective.
The preparation with which I have many years of positive experience and with which I usually start the treatment of swelling is Flobian®. Flobian® is a natural and safe preparation, which has been discovered and patented in
Sweden, and has been in our market for 10 years. Its active ingredient acts in the intestines, preventing the formation of gases and thus eliminates the cause of the problem, reducing bloating and gas. In addition, it helps reduce other symptoms of functional disorders (pain, cramps, irregular stools, etc.). It is completely safe for long-term use, and in treating bloating and gas, it is recommended for at least 4 weeks.