Today, early retirement is an option that many citizens use for various reasons, but also a solution that costs: 0.34 percent for each month of early retirement and a maximum of 20.5 percent of the total pension.
Early retirement as a possibility in Serbia exists since January 2015 and is used by more and more people. At the end of 2018, there were 28,000 of them, and already in July 2019, up to 43,000. and that number grows annually by an average of about 10,000.
The amount of the anticipated old-age pension is determined in the same way as the amount of the old-age pension, permanently reducing the amount of said pension determined by 0.34 percent for each month before the age of 65, and may be reduced to a maximum of 20.5 percent.
So for example, if your old-age pension, with the full length of service, would be 30,000 dinars and you decide to retire early three years earlier, that means your monthly check would be lower by about 3,700 dinars, or 26,300 dinars.
The condition for early retirement this year for women is 57 years and eight months of life and 39 years of service. For next year, that’s 39 years and four months of insurance experience and at least 58 years and four months to live.
On the other hand, men will be retiring next year as before, 65 years old and 15 years of service recorded in the workbook. However, there is a change in the exercise of the right to early retirement.
This year, they retired early with 40 years of insurance experience and at least 58 years and four months to live. Next year, they will have 40 years of insurance experience and at least 59 years of life.

Therefore, for the insured to acquire the right to an old-age pension, it is necessary to meet, at the same time, the conditions relating to the age and duration of the insurance.
The insured acquires the right to an early old-age pension when he reaches at least 40 years of insurance experience and at least 60 years. This provision will be applied in its entirety only as of 2024, because the Law prescribes a transitional period in which these conditions relating to the fulfillment of the required years of life will be gradually introduced.
So, for example, in 2022, men will need 40 years of experience and at least 59 years and six months to live for early retirement, and women will need 39 years and eight months of experience and at least 59 years to live.
In 2023, men will need 40 years of experience and at least 60 years to live, and women will need 40 years of experience and at least 59 years and six months to live.

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Author: delivery courier