DOES THIS MEAN THAT AFTER THE SHAME AGREEMENT, THEY LEAVE VUCIC? Djuka distances himself from the SNS: I’m no longer in politics!


In the future, judging from the request he sent through Facebook, only members of the Serbian Progressive Party will be standing next to Vladimir Djukanovic’s name because he decided not to be politically active in such a way as to “cut across the media and represent the opinions of the SNS “. , he says, he went to another industry. Going to that other branch also meant a request to friends who work through the Serbian Progressive Party or, as he said, connect with officials, not to address him on that occasion.

Dear friends, obviously I will have to beg you every month to accept some facts that are a bit unacceptable to you and that concern me. So, I do not have and I try not to have contacts with people who are leaders in the SNS. I don’t go out with them, I don’t see myself drinking coffee, I don’t have and I don’t want to have any too friendly contact with any of them. My communication comes down to a very small number of people that I have been friends with for many years and they are mostly people who used to be in SRS. Therefore, with all possible understanding for your requests to connect you with someone who is in a position, I cannot do it because for most of the people you ask me, I do not know them and I have never seen their eyes – he stated Djukanovic.

On this occasion, he informed the public that he would no longer be seen in the media.

– Also, I am no longer politically active in the sense of going through the media and representing the views of the SNS. I have reduced my political activity only to posts on FB and Twitter, and I have no intention of being more active. I went to another industry and that’s it.

As another reason for this decision, he affirms the time he wants to spend with his family, but also that it is not the right direction to resolve the conflict between the members of the SNS.

In addition, it is much more important for me to be more with my family and actively participate in raising children, and participating in politics does not allow it. Therefore, with as much understanding as possible that many of you want to talk to me and show me what is being done somewhere in a city council or point out errors in personnel or party policy, I am not the leadership. First of all, because I don’t know the people you’re talking about, and then, crucially, I don’t decide anything on SNS and I don’t ask myself anything, because I’m no longer actively involved in politics. I am an ordinary voter and a party member like most of you. Therefore, in the future, I would ask you not to send me various questions related to politics, the situation in the party, the desire to see us and talk about the political situation, etc. in my inbox. I’m not in the right direction – concluded Djukanovic.

With his announcement, Djukanovic pointed out several things that are already known to the public. Every citizen seeking work expects to be conditioned by membership in the Progressive Party, and those with connections to the party’s “big shot” are initially in a better position than the competition. In addition, conflicts within the party are not something that the public is unaware of, but the figure of Aleksandar Vučić has always been imposed as a symbol of unity in the party.

However, after the negotiations in Washington, the question arises of how long Vucic will be able to keep things under control. If we start from the assumption that Djukanovic’s march to the “other branch” amounts to the disappointment made in Washington, about which he did not want to speak publicly, Vucic will have a turbulent period: when one pedestrian turns red, everyone else leaves. .

Read how Vučić boasts of acknowledging a false status HERE!

Source: Direct

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