DOES THE MOST DIFFICULT JOBS WITHOUT BOTH HANDS: Slobodan Bogićević, from the village of Suvi Do in Blato, makes a living despite his disability


Despite his disability, he supports his family with the most difficult physical jobs. First, cutting firewood, which he sells in the towns of the Blace municipality.

– Although the children have already grown up, and only the oldest has become independent, the two children in the middle cannot get any work, and this youngest is still in school – says Slobodan, as he invites us to the house he made with his own hands.

SLOBODAN says he is satisfied with what they have as the welfare he received in the name of physical disability is the only thing they receive. That is why he is forced to do hard physical work to support his family.

Use your hands well / Photo D. Zečević

– My children help me cut wood in the forest, which we mostly rent, which makes my work easier. However, from a very young age I was aware that I had to work. When I started a family and had children, I was even more aware that the whole house was on me, because my wife Marija is in poor health – says Slobodan.

ALTHOUGH he does not have a hand, he says that he uses them very well and that when necessary he cuts wood with an ax.

– The most difficult thing for us is that we have an outdated tractor, so I often fear for my safety and that of my children while we take out and then carry firewood to customers in the forest – adds Slobodan.

He spares no effort, he tells us, just to provide his wife and children

-Life so decent.

– The only happiness in this business is that we sit in winter. And we are always the most active at the end of the summer and in the fall, say sons Stefan and Milutin, as they tease the youngest, fourteen-year-old Miloš, that he will surely cut firewood if he doesn’t study better.


WHILE the eldest Dušan became independent and got a job around Kurshumlija, where he founded a family, Slobodan’s sons Stefan and Milutin, who finished their trades, most want a job as a cook and waiter.

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