DOES THE GUARD OF KAŠIAELAN’S BODY COMMAND THE POLICE? He intercepted the son of a climber and asked him to remove his mask, and when the teenager sought help from a policeman, he experienced a SHOCK


“The alleged head of the Kavac crime clan, Slobodan Kascelan, and his bodyguard, Vladimir Vuckovic, ordered the Kotor police to arrest the minor VM and Miladin Dedovic two days ago, which they did.”

Gabrijela Mršić, the mother of a 17-year-old who ended up in the police force, claims that for Podgorica’s “Vijesti” because, as she told this portal, she did not want to remove her mask when Kašćelan’s bodyguard, Vucković, told her about it. asked.

– My minor son is being mistreated by the police with Kašćelan and his security, more precisely, they are arresting him on his orders, while he is also assisting them. At the same time, they tell us that my son does not go out, but sits in the house, because his safety is not in danger there – he told “Vijesti”.

Slobodan Kašćelan

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Slobodan Kašćelan

The police administration did not respond whether they were detained on Kašćelan’s order.

However, they said that on December 7, around 1 pm, Vuckovic informed a police officer who was securing the building of the Court of First Instance in Kotor that, as he was walking towards that building with Kascelan, “he noticed that two people unknown to him were behaving strangely and following them. “

– The police have taken all measures and actions on this report and all people have been invited as citizens to the official premises of the Kotor Security Department. After the information was collected as a citizen, all the people left the official premises, police responded.

A statement that “Vijesti” had access to says the 17-year-old told inspectors that Vuckovic and Kascelan followed him and a friend as they moved through the city, and then followed them as they took cover with an officer station in front of the court building.

He explained that the vehicle they were in was first noticed when they were crossing the street from the Old Town to the Kamelija Shopping Center, because it stopped to bypass them.

– After about 15-20 meters, that vehicle stopped next to us, the copilot lowered the glass and said to me directly: “Lower the mask and come here.” I looked at him and kept walking. My friend didn’t react. We continued walking slowly and this dark car was parallel to us. The passenger began to shout harshly and continued with the words: “Do you hear what I’m saying, take off your masks and come here when I said, now!” … I was very afraid for my safety and with another, who was also upset. We quickly turned around and headed towards the Court building because I saw a policeman there – said the minor in front of the inspectors.

He added that he thought that when he got to the policeman he would be safe, because he did not know who the man was who was addressing him that way, nor how many people were in the car with him.

He said that they went through the court to avoid being followed by a car, but that it appeared again in front of them.

“When we saw him following us, and now with certainty, we turned in panic and walked quickly towards the court building where the policeman was standing,” he said.


Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia


He said that they approached the court and stopped, calculating that if someone attacked them a policeman would prevent it, but also that the cameras would record …

– Then that bald man who yelled at me from the car, approached the policeman and introduced himself with the words: “I am Slobo Kašćelan’s bodyguard, these guys are suspects, they didn’t want to take off their mask when I told them to get out of the car.” The policeman said: “They are serious things, stop there.” I told him that I don’t know why I would remove the mask from strangers who ask for it, when I use it as protection against the virus – he said.

He adds that the “bald man” then told the policeman to search and identify them, then stood next to him and lit a cigarette, while the policeman called someone on his mobile phone.

– This man kept saying: “I don’t know why you don’t take off your mask when I ask you to.” An old man came behind him next to the Court … I heard when this bald man addressed him by the name of Slobo, but also how he told the policeman to identify and search us – said the young man.

The 17-year-old said that at that moment the police asked him to introduce himself and say his father’s name, which the two men who accompanied him heard.

Nikola Mršić

Photo: RAS Serbia

Nikola Mršić

– When I responded to the police, they both reacted violently. The bald man said, “Is it from Mršić Nikola?”, And the older man continued, “Yes, you are the son of Nikola Mršić!” That was loud and rudely threatening to me. Calvo, as if threatening me, continues: “Yes, you are the son of Nikola Mršić, you are the only one, good, good!” Then he raised his hand threateningly in my direction, and the old man again demanded that the policeman identify and search us – he said.

He added that later the policeman told them to enter the court building, and after a few minutes, when reinforcements arrived, they took them out in front of the building and searched them.

– I don’t go anywhere for days, I just follow classes online and play with my brother. I see these bald people and are old for the first time. I don’t know why they reacted like that, they followed me and yelled at me. I have not hidden anything in anyone’s life and I think it is I who should seek protection from the police, because today I felt very in danger and unprotected. “People follow me, throw me, yell at me, order the police and I don’t understand what it is about,” he said.

Son of an alleged member of the Skaljar clan

The youngest VM is the son of Nikola Mršić, accused of killing Goran Lenac, allegedly close to the Kavač criminal clan.

Mršić is known as a person close to the Skaljar crime clan.

Nikola Mršić was extradited to Montenegro from Serbia in July.

Goran lenc

Photo: Facebook / Social networks

Goran lenc

– NM is being sought to ensure his presence in the criminal proceedings against him for the crimes of constitution of a criminal organization, attempted aggravated homicide and illegal possession of weapons and explosives. On September 16, 2017, he killed GL on the playground of the FC Bokelj stadium and tried to kill MJ – this was announced by the then Police Administration (UP).

Mršić was arrested in Belgrade in March.

Kašćelan arrested for threats

Since the alleged leader of the Kavač clan was released with bail attached, he has not stopped filling the pages of the black chronicle. This happened just a month ago in Kotor, after he allegedly threatened an elderly fellow citizen Branko Radonjić.

He reportedly told Radonjic in front of numerous witnesses that he would “hang his son by the leg” if he kept mentioning him.

A few days after the news was published in the Montenegrin media, information was released that the Kotor Public Prosecutor’s Office rejected the criminal charges against Kašćelan on suspicion of endangering the safety of Branko Radonjić of Kotor.

The dismissal of this criminal complaint followed the questioning of Branko Radonjić, who informed the police that Kašćelan had threatened him.

Its movement is limited by the nanogic

Kascelan was released on December 19 last year after the High Court accepted a bond of 501,700 euros in a property offered by his family and 5,000 euros in cash.

In addition to the accepted bail, the court obliged him not to leave the Kotor territory, to report to the police once a month, and to confiscate his passport. Despite that, Kašćelan did not rest.

On 8 October, the police found him and the bodyguard Vuckovic in a restaurant in Podgorica, thus violating Kašćelan’s restricted movement measure. Kašćelan remained in the Podgorica territory due to a legal obligation, as explained by the source from Montenegrin “Dana”, but had not previously informed the police that he would be leaving Kotor for that.

As a reminder, Kašćelan is accused of organizing a criminal organization in May 2010, together with Igor Božović, who was a fugitive, and according to the Special Prosecutor’s Office, they were the initiators of the business: greening, bribery, extortion, drug trafficking, money laundering. money…

By the way, Kašćelan was a fugitive for two years, but on December 12 last year he was arrested in a rented apartment in Prague, based on the Interpol warrant issued by Podgorica, which was issued to him in 2017 on suspicion of having committed several serious crimes.

During his detention, he carried two passports, one French and one from Kosovo in the name of Slobodan Perić.
