Does the European Union introduce new restrictions for Serbs? A notification arrived from Brussels



15.09.2020. 12:50 – 15.09.2020. 13:28

On July 1, Serbia was on the list of 15 countries that had no restrictions to enter the EU due to the “better or equal” epidemiological situation.

European Union

European Union, Photo: EPA

Tomorrow, the member states should make a decision on the possible return of Serbia to the list of countries to which there are no restrictions to join the EU.

Although some member states raised the issue of opening the borders for Serbia, the general assessment is that the epidemiological situation has not yet stabilized sufficiently, Tanjug learned in Brussels.

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The question of the return of Serbia to the list of third countries that are not subject to travel restrictions in the EU has been discussed in recent days in the working bodies of the EU Council.

Diplomatic sources claim that some of the member states supported the “green light” for Serbia, but that despite the improvement in the epidemiological situation in the country, the figures are “slightly above” the EU criteria of 16 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

“There is little chance that a decision will be made on Serbia’s return to the list at tomorrow’s meeting. Most member states believe that the epidemiological situation should stabilize in the long term both in Serbia and in the EU,” they said. Tanjug sources.

On July 1, Serbia was on the list of 15 countries that, due to the “better or equal” epidemiological situation, had no restrictions to enter the EU space.

However, due to a new rush contagion of coronavirusSerbia was removed from that list two weeks later.

At a time when the epidemiological situation in Serbia is stabilizing, most of the EU is entering the so-called “second wave of summer”. COVID-19.
