The price of Brent crude, which is used in Serbia, reached the value of $ 50 a barrel on the world market for the first time since March, thus increasing to 33.4 percent since October 30. Energy experts warn that this will also affect the price of fuel in our country, which could increase in price from two to four dinars a liter at gas stations next month.
Milan Rakić, president of the Association of Private Gas Station Owners, says on behalf of Kurir that Serbia depends on oil imports and that the rise in prices on the stock exchanges will be felt in our country as well.
– Surely it will be reflected, but with a delay of one month, because now the shares that were bought at the previous price are being sold. That increase goes first to the price of the refinery. The increase is expected to be five to 10 percent, and since the refinery price in Serbia is around 40 dinars, that would mean that the price of fuel will be higher by two, maximum four dinars per liter – Rakić says and explains that the price of “black” Gold “on the stock exchanges increased due to reduced production, and prices will fluctuate from 40 to a maximum of $ 52 per barrel.
And prof. Dr. Goran Radosavljevic, Secretary General of the Serbian National Petroleum Committee, agrees that the rise in world oil prices will affect us.
– However, it is difficult to say how much the retail prices will be higher, because it is not only the price of crude that is the reference to determine the price, there is also transportation and other things. Companies make weekly projections, and the decision to raise prices is made based on demand – says Radosavljevic, adding that the price of crude oil of $ 50 per barrel is one of the indicators that the end of the epidemic is expected and the growth of economic activity.
Nebojsa Atanackovic
Falling demand prevents price increases
On the other hand, Nebojsa Atanackovic, one of the owners of the “Nafta” company, does not expect the price of fuel to rise in our country as well. – We should not expect that to happen, taking into account that there is an evident drop in demand in our country. There is much less movement, traffic and we do not heat ourselves with oil – he evaluated for Kurir.
Ružica Kantar

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Author: delivery courier