Doctors: The children showed responsibility, the crown box at school shook us all


Serbia is registering a downward trend and there are fewer recorded cases of infection, but that trend is fluctuating and there are still a significant number of people who are reservoirs of infection and people who have an asymptomatic form of infection, said Dr. Darija Kisic Tepavcevic at the Crisis Staff press conference. That is why calls are made to continue respecting preventive measures, and caution still needs to be exercised, especially at the beginning of the school year, agreed epidemiologist Predrag Kon.

There is no doubt that the situation is calming down in Belgrade, only 13 new cases were recorded yesterday, Kon added.

However, almost every day between 200 and 300 people arrive at the ambulances, although there are between seven and 20 infected. This shows that the stabilized situation is at a low level, but also that the virus is with us. That is why the appeals are not without reason, and they should also be stronger because the children have started school, ”he said.

He said that the headquarters still will not give in to the measures, if, as he said, the pressure will be increasingly strong for them to give in. “But it’s important to see that schools can be safe places no matter the risk. The goal is to see how it will work and the first impressions are strong,” he said.

Doctors agreed that the situation in Serbia is calming down everywhere, but they also warned that with the start of the school year and exam deadlines, there are new risks.

“We have decreased (with the number of new infected) to an acceptable level, it is unlikely that we will go much lower, we will have to start to give in and that will not reduce, but will increase the activity of the virus,” added Kon.

However, he also said that the situation is worse around us, and that we have done nothing but take preventive measures, and that shows that they are working and that this must continue.

When asked about the invitation he sent to public officials to wear masks, Kon said he thought so and reacted now because now is the right time.

“I am reacting only now because I believe that now is the right time, neither I nor anyone expected such a jump and such potential of this virus during the summer, it surprised the vast majority of professionals, because it could not be expected. And now we are entering the autumn-winter season and that is why it is the right time to talk about it ”, he explained.

“Who knows why it is good that the case at school happened the first day”

Kisic said, regarding the crown case in a Belgrade school, that there are exact guidelines to act in such cases, as well as that the class is isolated as a precaution, even though the boy was wearing a mask.

Since it is certain that in the next period there will be many individual cases of this type, if it happens that we have a positive child, it will be reported to the competent institution, but if it is determined that there was no unprotected contact, the department will have increased the measures and the supervision. , without isolation, with a strong recommendation to wear a mask all the time while listening to the lessons during the incubation period.

If there are two cases between which a connection is made, we will move to online teaching and isolation, he explained.

“Algorithms have been developed for all individual situations as a framework for action, in order to prevent transmission in schools as much as possible”; she said.

“Who knows why it is good that the first day happened, it moved us all and it is not bad, especially since everything will end quite well,” said Kon, referring to that case.

Kisic also assessed that “we can be proud of the children who showed a lot of discipline and a lot of responsibility.”
