Doctors on the crown death toll: the truth is out there somewhere


Following a text from a BIRN reporter on how the coronavirus database shows that three times more deaths were reported than officially reported and that authorities may have known, a full data table was released. The Crisis Staff doctors affirm that no one hid the data and the Health Minister affirms that the journalists’ attempts to find out the truth are actually attempts to compromise the Government, the Crisis Staff and the president of the state. Today we have also heard that “it is true, somewhere”.

Before the journalist drew attention to whether the site shows the real status of the epidemic in Serbia or not, a member of the crisis staff raised doubts about the accuracy of the tables with numbers.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said on Wednesday, as a guest of the first semester, that there were more deaths in Belgrade from March to June, and for the discrepancy, the data clearly indicated the culprits.

“The main people in charge are those who made the information system and worked with it, and provided us with data from there. Some like it, others don’t like it, but the truth is based on the mortality statistics that there were three times more in Belgrade than was reported. “Which means only the doctors did not report that the death was kovid,” Kon explained at the time.

Two days later, he points out to the forefront that he was actually talking about mortality statistics showing the total number of deaths in a given month. And that number, he says, is higher than the “current situation.”

“That means it is possible, very possible that there would be more deaths. I am the number itself, because there are two numbers 345 and 118 that are reported regularly. I said then that it was three times the number, better than not.” says Con today.

A member of the crisis staff, immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic, also spoke about the difference in the number of deaths.

“So we have the ones who were suspects, a whole spectrum of situations that were not clear at first, so it took time to shed light and then count them in the category of kovid or not kovid. And then of course what time it shows and what “What we knew right away will not match. The difference varies, “Jankovic said.

The difference in the number of deaths from gonorrhea is an issue for citizens, the media and the profession, but not for the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar. At least that’s what he said at today’s conference. He is convinced that the target is the president.

“Everything is clear for the public, but for those who have no idea, who have no program, they think that this is a favorable terrain to engage the Crisis Staff, to engage the Ministry, to engage the Government, but they are not important for them. Aleksandar Vučić bothers them, “says Lončar.

Following the articles on the large differences in the numbers of deaths that were officially announced and the numbers found in the information system of the covid 19 portal, BIRN also published the entire information base on which it bases its research.

“There is a bottleneck, which then changed that information and made known to the public those smaller numbers that we heard in Crisis Staff sessions and read from the Covid19 website,” said Natalija Jovanovic of BIRN.

The prompt speeches of the President and the Minister, as well as the appearance of Dr. Kona at the press conference of the last two days, indicate that the issue is serious. Despite that, the minister tried to find himself.

Potter: I should know you. I was thinking yesterday and you offered me a solution to quit. I wrote my resignation yesterday, but forgot to ask what direction Dr. Solak is in.

N1: I don’t think this is the time or the place to talk like this.

Potter: Well no, I’m kidding.

N1: Not for fun.

Potter: And no, well.

Dr. Kon’s statements cast doubt on the accuracy of the data presented to the public. Doubts can be cleared with the audit.

“On the other hand, it is very important to point out that audits are necessary to know the complete truth,” says Kon.

And where is the truth

“The truth is out there,” says Dr. Srdja Jankovic.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
