Doctors of Novi Pazar: poor organization, oxygen starvation and impotence – Society


Anesthesiologist Music told Radio Sto Plus that in early April he was accompanied by the first KOVID patient who was transferred from Novi Pazar to the Kragujevac Clinical Center, and “although we did not have many patients then, we were not prepared at all.”

“I remember early in the morning, at sub-zero temperature, I changed my clothes outside, I put on a ‘space suit’, nobody helped me, nor did anyone explain to me before how to do it correctly,” he said.

“I know that my colleagues at the Academy of Military Medicine practiced how the equipment is used every day and we saw ‘clips’ on the Internet about how it is made. I asked that training be organized for us, to be ready for the second ‘peak’, but was not satisfied. “When colleagues from other cities came later and saw how we work, they were surprised that not all of us got infected,” Music said.

Mujdragić believes that, in addition to the lack of equipment, the spread of infection among health workers was mainly due to poor work organization, ie the absence of “red”, “yellow” and “green” areas.

“A big problem was created by the fact that in the period when there was the highest influx of patients, the KOVID ambulance operated only during the day. There was no place for them to be hospitalized, but, with serious clinical pictures, they were returned home, so they spread the infection, which was growing more and more. People, even our colleagues, waited hours for an exam. All of this is a consequence of poor work organization, “said Mujdragić.

He added that most of the patients who returned home, when the General Hospital was declared a KOVID regional center in early July, contacted doctors with much more serious clinical conditions.

“I worked in the Internal Department, where daily 70-80 of the most difficult patients were accommodated, many of whom had to be intubated immediately and connected to a ventilator. If we had reacted a little earlier and organized ourselves better, we could have saved many more people, “said Mujdragić.

The hardest thing for him, the surgeon said, was the inability of doctors to help patients.

“That feeling that patients are suffocating in front of your eyes and you can’t help them, it didn’t let me sleep for days and I can’t erase those images from my head,” Mujdragić said.

Music, who also contracted KOVIDA-19 in the second half of June, adds that he has never seen such “oxygen starvation.”

“I saw everything, but that was the most impressive thing for me.” Literally, people fall and pass out after a few seconds without oxygen connected, in the moments we put them in or take them out of ambulances during transport “, Music said.

He stresses that what hurts him most is the disorganization, the lack of preparation and the lack of staff, which, as he said, have repeatedly warned Meho Mahmutović, acting director of the General Hospital, without success.

Both are among the medical specialists who signed a petition to expel Mahmutović and his associates.

“Even if the hospital were fully equipped, and after the epidemic the hospital with the highest mortality is declared, then something is wrong and the moral act would be for the management to resign.” “If we want to create a progressive society, then we must accept the fact that people who play responsible roles in society must bear the consequences of poor results,” said Mujdragic, thanking young doctors for their commitment during the toughest days of life. the crisis.

Music hopes that Mahmutovic will be replaced after the formation of the new Serbian government, because “he sees no reason why he would remain in that position.”

“I think the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, should be aware that the removal of Mahmutović will not collapse our health system. We know that the director positions are political combinatorics, but bring someone honorable and honest, even a cadre from the Sincerely, if it were a state like it is not, the General Hospital of Novi Pazar would be about to close because it lacks everything and many things are wrong “, concluded Music.
