Doctors Kon and Tiodorović share the same concern and refers to the school. This is what it is about and why Šarčević has already changed three directors


According to epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, high school students are the least adherent to epidemiological measures, they do not wear masks, nor do they take physical distance into account. That, as he says, worries him a lot. Not surprising, considering that this summer we were convinced that a very difficult clinical picture can also occur among adolescents.

We must be aware, experts agree, that there are no people immune to this virus and that there is no such thing as “I’m young, everything is fine, even if we get a crown, we will get it out without problems.” Cases around the world, in which children of primary and secondary school age ended up on a respirator, even died, show that we cannot trust this theory.

Teenagers in Serbia with a respirator

During the last month, the oldest son in the department of the Children’s Clinic of the “Dragisa Misovic” Clinical Hospital Center was 15 years old, but adolescents of different ages were treated on several occasions.

The case of a completely healthy 14-year-old boy, who spent two days on a respirator, showed that corona can definitely cause serious symptoms in teenagers.

– He is the only child who had to receive mechanical respiratory support, but fortunately only for two days. Of the youngest with a more serious illness, we only had one five-year-old from Tutin. All the others with more severe clinical pictures were between 14 and 15 years of age or older, KBC’s “Dragiša Mišović” Dr. Olivera Ostojić previously told “Blic.”

Possible fatal outcome

Certainly, the example of a 14-year-old on a respirator is not unique among adolescents. Although they are not the “shock” generation when it comes to the corona virus, the case abroad shows that the dangerous virus can cause death among young people.

That is, an article in the most famous scientific journal dedicated to medicine, The Lancet, cites the example of an 11-year-old patient with registered MIS-C (a new entity that includes the multisystemic inflammatory syndrome, that is, SIRS, in children associated with COVID, very similar to the Kawasaki virus). after death, the corona virus registered directly in the myocardium.

Our pulmonologist working in Slovenia, Dr. Srdjan Lukić, also wrote about it.

High school students, experts warn, generally don't wear masksPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

High school students, experts warn, generally don’t wear masks

– So the virus is definitely cardiotrophic. Perhaps this contributes to the change of consciousness in the general population, since all diseases are ordinary diseases, but when it comes to the heart, it is something completely different – he said in his announcement.

He added that the virus, since not only does it not save children, but it can also lead to death. Very, very rarely, but it can.

– That is why the application of epidemiological measures in schools is imperative, and anyone who sabotages it would have to be criminally prosecuted in an emergency procedure – Dr. Lukić concluded.

Kon: Make no mistake, the virus will enter schools, but …

Speaking of the schools, Dr. Kon pointed out that “the crown will definitely go into the schools,” and that we shouldn’t have the misconception that they won’t.

As he himself says, what worries him most at the moment are high school students.

– For five places, I made them go out during the holidays, not to wear masks, so that it happened en masse. I got in touch with Minister Šarčević, I think that will be worked on. There is much to do with them – noted the epidemiologist.

Predrag Kon Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

Tiodorović: There are more and more games, the distance is not kept

Another epidemiologist and crisis staff member agreed with him: Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

– High school students can be worrisome. They move a lot more and communicate a lot more, they go to cafes and various events. We have to work with them more and pay attention to them, says Tiodorović.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

He says that at parties, of which there are more and more, it happens that young people do not keep their distance.

– Indoors, and even outdoors, if the distance is not kept and masks are not used, there is a risk that we could have a greater number of infected people – says Dr. Tiodorović.

Šarčević: I am more concerned about principals than secondary school students

The epidemiologist’s concern for adolescents also did not go unnoticed by the competent ministry, but the Minister of Education, Mladen Šarčević, pointed out an additional problem.

Regarding epidemiologist Predrag Kon’s statement that he is more concerned about high school students, because he received reports of going out during the holidays, not wearing masks, Šarčević says that he is more concerned about high school principals than high school students , because they dominate the whole story.

– High school students are adolescents who are by nature, but adults can not allow such behavior in this environment – said the minister.

Mladen ŠarčevićPhoto: Zoran Lončarević / RAS Serbia

Mladen Šarčević

If the directors do not implement the measures and if they are not commanders of what to follow, then such an infraction will be considered a serious breach of duty, which means dismissal, said the minister, apologizing to the majority who do it perfectly. well.

– We will not tolerate even the slightest violation of the measures. No relaxation. Students should be responsible, teachers even more, and principals more, because they have the greatest responsibility. During the first three days of classes, I already changed three principals, in Belgrade, Pancevo and Nis. Indirectly, his dismissal has to do with non-compliance with the measures, but that was not the only reason – said Šarčević.

From the admonition to the school marriage

As Šarčević said yesterday, the penalties are gradual for students who remove their masks or fail to keep their distance.

– There are reprimands, reprimands, grade reduction by the government, and finally expulsion from classes. And school workers can ultimately get their employment contracts terminated as long as it is determined in disciplinary proceedings that they are responsible for endangering the safety of students, said the Minister of Education, writes the Serbian Telegraph.

So, for all those who do not respect the measures, the sanctions will gradually go:

1. Warning

2. Ukor

3. Downgrading of governance rating

4. Exit from classes

5. Get out of school

The first secondary school in Kragujevac Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

The first secondary school in Kragujevac

High school students are not young children who find it difficult to explain what to do for their own good, but precisely because they are nearing the end of the road to becoming educated personalities, they can recklessly make bad decisions on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to let them know what can happen if they become infected with this virus, mainly through their own carelessness.

Finally, we must understand that the virus has not been known for years, as well as the manifestation of rebellion in the form of not wearing a mask or disrespecting other measures that were taken in order to protect our health.

VIDEO: How is a cough spread with a mask and without a mask
