Doctors finally said, this is what patients say before dying for the crown



18.11.2020. 11:09

Nurse Jodie Doering from South Dakota told CNN that some of her coronavirus patients, even on their deathbed, refuse to believe that Kovid-19 is real.


nurse, Photo: screen print / youtube / CNN

“It is very difficult for me to see how people still do not want to admit that the coronavirus exists, even though they come to the clinic with very severe symptoms. They want a magic cure and they refuse to believe that they have Kovid-19,” said Doering .

Do you think the virus exists?

“There is a reason I wrote about this on Twitter. I mean, this is not a patient, an isolated case. There were several patients whose last words on their deathbed were that this was not happening and that it was not real. Instead of their last moments They spend with the family, they are full of bitterness. It really saddened me the other day, I couldn’t believe they were their last thoughts and words, “he explained.

Sometimes they get angry with medical personnel.

When the journalist asked the nurse if those patients were angry with her, she replied that they were actually angry with the whole situation, and since they do not believe there is a covid-19, they often point it out to medical staff.

“Okay. We can handle it. That’s why we’re here. The problem is in the big picture, that is, when you try to reason with people. Let’s say I know how to ask them if we’re going to call their wives, children, families, and they say no because they will be fine. When I look at their blood oxygen level, I see that it is very low and I know what the consequences may be. And then I am sad, angry, frustrated. So I accept everything because I know that I will face such a situation again. ” . the nurse replied.

“They would rather have pneumonia or cancer.”

Journalist Alice Camerota asked Doering what these patients think: what do they suffer from?

“I think they are looking for salvation in anything. They want it to be pneumonia. Some have even told me they have lung cancer, not coronavirus. I tell them they have kovid-19, but they don’t believe it even after testing positive. Of course, not everyone is like that, we have many patients who are very grateful and reasonable, but that is not in my head now. As a nurse, I want to remember the positive moments, where we save people’s lives, not situations like this. ‘ ‘he said. It’s Doering.

“I often feel like I’m in a horror movie that never ends and starts over. It’s sad because that’s how all doctors and nurses in the country feel. People get sick the same way, we treat them like the same way, they die in the same way and then all over again. I am grateful for everything I have learned, I know that I help people. But the reality is that the situation with the coronavirus still does not improve, “she concluded.
