Doctors are afraid of what awaits us in ten days.


The third wave of the Kovid 19 epidemic has not even subsided, and apparently we will soon be witnesses, but also the culprits of the fourth wave of the crown, due to another wave that affected the whole of Serbia.

It is a wave of irresponsibility that came at the worst time. At a time when we are one of the most successful countries in terms of vaccination rates and when we are waiting for almost a million inhabitants to acquire immunity to the virus, we are recording crown parties with 1,000 people each, filling cafes, clubs, restaurants . , commercial offices, tourist centers …

Many probably thought that with the third and longest wave of the crown, the cruelest form of the pandemic would disappear, regardless of the fact that, by all estimates, the fierce fight with kovid will last at least until the summer.

Photo: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

Amid the third wave in Serbia, at the peak of which nearly 70 people died every day and 8,000 people fell ill, vaccination began. Immunization soon became so widespread that almost all the world’s media began to write hymns about the success of vaccination in Serbia.

At the same time, the number of infected people began to decline daily, but never came close to falling below 1,000 positive cases. The curve leveled off very high for weeks, around 1,500 patients, only to start growing slowly last week and then jump sharply from 1,800 to about 2,500 infected per day.

Photo: Milan Ilic, Tanjug / AP / RAS Serbia

By all accounts, we have reason to fear.

At a time when almost all of Western Europe is virtually blocked until spring due to a new strain of the virus, many in Serbia have abused much more relaxed measures in our country compared to most of the continent and have begun to celebrate. surrealistically the end of the pandemic when it is not the time.

How many party crowns were there to discover over the weekend?

The photos and recordings of the crown parties from the previous weekend across Serbia just look amazing. Only the competent services removed about 2,000 people from clubs, restaurants, cafes, but the question is how many more undiscovered parties were there in the previous days?

Photo: RAS / RAS Serbia

Also, there are certainly a certain number of vaccinated people who relaxed after the first dose of the kovid 19 vaccine, so they no longer wear masks, do not adhere to physical distance, or in a word, do not respect more epidemiological measures. . This is how they behave, despite the warnings of all epidemiologists and epidemiologists that the full effect of the vaccine is achieved only after the second dose.

Almost a million vaccinated people are not yet immune to the virus

As a reminder, so far more than 900,000 people have been vaccinated in Serbia, of whom almost 270,000 have been revaccinated. However, to avoid the epidemic waves that we have had so far, it is necessary that at least one and a half million people receive two doses of vaccination. But that does not mean that we are still not going to have a significant number of people infected on a daily basis.

Vaccination order at the Fair

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Vaccination order at the Fair

As epidemiologists warn, we will create a bulwark against the pandemic with only three million revaccinated citizens who, together with the neighbors who crossed the crown, will give a strong herd immunity. Only then can individual patient cases be expected on a daily basis. Also, you should know that vaccinated people can transmit the virus even if they are immune to this pest.

Ski resorts – new corona hotspots

Obviously, those who continue to flock to the mountain resorts, the last crown hot spots in Serbia, neither know nor forget. Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović warned about that.

Branislav Tiodorović

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

– There is a general lack of respect for the measures. Entire families are infected, usually someone younger brings the virus, so everyone in the house is infected. Mountain cafes are crowded, no one wears masks. The queues for the cable cars and the gondola are huge, people are printing without protection, the distance is nowhere! – noted prof. Dr. Tiodorović.

Among others, the medical coordinator of the Belgrade Arena, prof. Dr. Predrag Bogdanović recently confirmed that entire families are being treated at that temporary hospital in kovid.

The crown is entering more and more schools

Unfortunately, kovid 19 has increasingly entered schools, which is why almost all Vranje students have returned to online classes. And in general, you can see that there has been an increase in the number of people with corona disease in schools, about which we wrote last week.

Photo: Nenad Pavlović / RAS Serbia

Kon: We have to be prepared

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon also pointed out the danger of the fourth wave. As he said, if there is an increase in the number of infected, it could be the fourth wave or another peak of the existing third wave.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon

“It all depends on how much it develops, but we don’t expect it as dramatically as the third wave was,” Kon said.

The epidemiologist emphasized that we cannot say that we live outside the world and that it is impossible for a new strain to reach Serbia if it spreads through Europe.

That is why he emphasizes that we must be prepared and that no relaxation should be allowed.

Kon emphasized that the medical part of the crisis staff would be for more restrictive measures, but think rationally and still have results.

“It would be faster if the measures were more restrictive, but there would also be problems,” Kon said.

The Kovid hospital in Batajnica is almost full

The director of the Kovid hospital in Batajnica, Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic, also fears a new epidemic wave. He pointed out that he is afraid of what might happen to us in 10, 12 days.

– Several times a day, I receive reports from my colleagues about the number of vacancies and I am very afraid of what this will bring us in the next 10 to 12 days, when all people return from vacation – emphasized Dr. Adzic Vukicevic.

Kovid Hospital in Batajnica

Photo: Djordje Kojadinovic / RAS Serbia

Kovid Hospital in Batajnica

As he says, the capacities of the hospital are quite full.

“They were also full because many hospitals in Belgrade emptied and went out of the covid system. We received all those patients, including the most difficult patients in intensive care units,” notes Dr. Adzic Vukicevic.

It claims that, according to internal statistics, 2,800 people have been hospitalized in Batajnica since December 4.

“It’s a huge machine, a lot of work, a huge intake and discharge dynamic. More than 800 scans have been done, more than 35,000 lab tests, 10,000 lung scans, more than 500 hemodialysis. About 50 patients are on a program active hemodialysis and 25 have acute kidney damage, “says Dr. Adzic Vukicevic.
