DOCTOR NESTOROVIĆ IS EXCITED AGAIN: This is his latest statement on masks and crowns


– A CDC scientist, the masks do not work – Nestorović wrote briefly with the announcement he shared, which refers to the aforementioned research.

Namely, CDC research indicates that wearing masks in no way decreases a person’s chance of becoming infected with corona.

– The CDC study, which surveyed symptomatic patients with Kovid-19, found that 70.6% of those surveyed said they “always” wear a mask, while an additional 14.4% say they “often” they wear a mask. This means that a whopping 85% of infected patients reported wearing masks regularly. Only 3.9% of those infected said that they “never” covered their face, as indicated in the text to which Dr. Nestorović himself referred.

In fact, the study found that tens of thousands of Americans become infected with the crown every day despite wearing masks.

The point to note is that the aforementioned study is in direct contradiction to claims about masks made by CDC Director Robert Redfield, who claimed at a recent conference that a cloth mask is safer protection against coronavirus. than a vaccine.


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