DOCTOR MILOSEVIC SENT AN IMPORTANT CALL TO EVERYONE: She revealed what the KEY is in the next few days: our youngest patient is 24 years old!


– Currently, the youngest patient in the Infectious Diseases Clinic is 24 years old and the oldest 93, and we still do not know the possible consequences that SARS-CoV-2 infection leaves on the liver, central nervous system and reproductive organs , and I call on everyone to strictly follow we would not have the situation of a few months ago again – says doc. Dr. Ivana Milošević, Deputy Director of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic in Belgrade at the Serbian Clinical Center.

Dr. Milosevic appeals that in the next few days, without exception, we must respect the recommendations that have been in force for months if we do not want to return to the situation of a few months ago.

– Any relaxation in terms of non-compliance with the recommended measures inevitably leads to a jump in the number of patients. The migration of people is not as important now as during the holidays, and the returnees from abroad at the border crossing are instructed on the supervision procedure and the self-assessment test. The potential risk of increasing the number of patients is the period of glory that begins. Glory is part of the identity of our people, a solemn, family, above all a spiritual festival in honor of the saint, and in that sense it should be celebrated – he says.

The doctor points out that there is no guarantee for people who have already had covid, and that those who have had the disease can be re-infected, but adds that the number of these patients is small.

Photo: VN Archive / Illustration

A risky period of glory to come

– Belgrade is a city of two million with all the advantages it brings, and in this situation, unfortunately, the disadvantages of living in the metropolis. The daily need to go from one end of the city to the other, the great daily migration, the fact that it is the largest university city and the administrative center of our country, implies through contacts and risks that are not typical of an environment smaller. However, we have learned that we can control the situation on our own with very simple measures such as the use of masks and hand hygiene, and once again I call on everyone to do so – says Milosevic.

She says that the process of producing a new vaccine is very complex.

– We are witnessing a positive international ‘race’ to get the vaccine as soon as possible. I want it to happen as soon as possible, but it is difficult to predict when it will happen… Until then, I call on our citizens to get vaccinated against the flu. The vaccine is available, and now is the right time for it, because vaccination is the most important and safest way to prevent infectious disease, and any additional risk of disease must be minimized in the period outside of pandemics, and now especially stresses Dr. Milosevic.

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