DOCTOR MASERATI KNOWS AGAIN: The virus is the incarnation of the devil; presented a strange theory that epidemiologists disagree with


Belgrade School of Medicine Professor Dr. Goran Belojevic says that kovid-19 is an infectious disease that is transmitted by air, so burial is exactly the same as with smallpox.

– The deceased must go to the tin coffin. Everyone who is diagnosed with U07.1 or U07.2 should be placed in a tin coffin immediately, as soon as possible without taking the corpse, after that they should go to a wooden coffin – said a professor from the Faculty of Medicine known as “Dr. Maserati”.

Belojevic said that now is “the time of death” and that we all have to adapt to certain situations. “

However, this is not the first statement from our doctor that has caused some controversy in the public. He was nicknamed for his car “Maserati”.

Therefore, this doctor was very surprised, but also laughed when, in a show, talking about the corona virus, he completely “accidentally” mentioned that he was driving this expensive car. Due to his “modest praise”, this doctor was nicknamed “Doctor Maserati”.

Photo: RTS Printskrin

In addition to this statement, the public was agitated when he said that a probiotic tablet a day protects against the new virus and that it is not necessary to take vitamin C. This theory was not confirmed by any of his colleagues. The professor said that he applied this recipe himself and was so convinced of his theory that he promised that he would not get kovid and that he would prove what he was saying.

Dr. Belojevic also said that the visors are better than the masks because they protect the eyes, which are also a portal to our body for the virus, while the mask does not protect, and stressed that the visors are more practical because they can be used more than once.

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