DOCTOR KON EXPLAINED: This is why the youngest elementary school students still go to school!


He said that last week 406 students and teachers infected with the corona virus were registered in Belgrade’s primary and secondary schools.

From November 16 to 22, 134 schools in Belgrade reported 406 infected with the corona virus: 312 students (140 infected in primary and 172 in secondary) and 94 employees (52 in primary and 42 in secondary).

In the dormitory of high school students, the disease affected seven students and two employees.

In the previous week, there were 10 groups, meaning small groups were infected and all the students were sent to online classes, he said.

Kon emphasized that the number would increase from week to week, so the transition to online teaching for fifth to eighth grade students and for secondary schools is justified.

– When we talk about lower grades, there is less disease. Studies around the world have shown that the virus is rarely transmitted in children under the age of 10, and that transmission of the virus is more frequent in older children, he said.

Another aspect, as you said, why the lower grades did not move to online teaching, is socialization, which is especially important at that age.

– Schools are still places where the transmission of the virus is controlled, but the sudden entry of the virus that is happening now, with such a large number of newly infected people, simply cannot provide as much surveillance – Kon explained.

Remember that this is a decision of the Crisis Staff, which has not yet been approved by the Government, and that it may happen that it is modified.

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