Do you remember Mrs. Bozen? He died suddenly and only one singer attended his funeral! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



26.11.2020. 08:11

We saw her many times on television screens and we did not know the path of her life …

Božen Žumbor

Photo: screenshot

Death news Božen Žumbor, In early October 2012, it saddened many.

As said at the time, in March of that year, due to her health condition, she was admitted to the Military Medical Academy, where she was diagnosed with the disease. He fought for months and then unfortunately lost the battle. According to the accusations, only the family attended the funeral: Ali and singer Neda Ukraden.

Although the family demanded that Božen Žumbor be buried in the circle of his closest loved ones, Neda Ukraden later went to Croatia to send his long-time acquaintance to eternal rest, and then expressed his outrage on stage, that he did not attend the funeral. .

“Although we were not too close, as much as I knew her, she was to me like a flower in a field of brush, like an angel among hyenas, which she was obviously surrounded by,” Neda once said.

Zorica Markovic

Photo: print screen / Youtube

However, the singer Zorica Markovic then she was disgusted by Ned’s statement that Božen was surrounded by hyenas, as well as that she had false friends.

– I was stunned by that statement. My ear hurts what Neda Ukraden says, who has been lifting her nose for 30-40 years. I respect her career, her age and her success, but she shouldn’t talk like that, so that I don’t say what I know – he pointed out.

Neda ukraden

Photo: Rajko Ristic / Hello

Many famous friends respected her mother’s wish and did not come to send her a final greeting. Singer Zorica Markovic spoke once for “Alo” about this topic:

– I already said that Božen will be in debt for the rest of my life. I asked when she was buried and found out that her mother wanted her to be in the family circle. I respected that woman’s will, because it is more difficult when a father buries a child.


Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

Bozen, by the way, was recovering in the toxicology department and was later released for treatment at home. In the last months of her life, she was treated both in Serbia and abroad.

She was born in Koprivnica, Croatia, and lived there with her grandmother Katarina until she was 12 years old. Then, she joined her parents in Rotterdam and, after graduating from high school, went to the Higher School of Cosmetics. When he got a job, it was in the profession.

He came to Serbia for the first time in the early eighties and founded “Božen kozmetiks” in 1991 in Belgrade.

Like then, eight years after his death, the public wondered who his wealth belonged to, which, according to local media, is estimated at tens of millions of dinars.

And who is the heir to God’s immersion? HERE!

