DO YOU EVER KNOW THAT IT IS AN EMERGENCY? This is exactly what that means in practice and what someone is obliged to do then.


BELGRADE – More and more cities and municipalities in Serbia are declaring a state of emergency due to the spread of the infection caused by the corona virus, only in recent days Novi Sad, Ruma, Sombor, Leskovac, Apatin, Lebane did it and many others. in Belgrade, a state of emergency was declared on 3 July and has not been lifted since.

The Secretary for Emergency Situations of the City of Belgrade, Darko Glavas, explains that any city and municipality in Serbia can declare an emergency situation when the degree of danger of a part or the entire territory is in force, as is currently the case with coronavirus epidemic.

It states that the implementation of an emergency situation allows the city or municipality to mobilize the entire system more quickly and efficiently through centralized management, that is, to put all the services in order to eliminate the danger of protecting the population .

“An emergency situation means faster action, faster mobilization of all resources, faster decision-making and, most importantly, a quality response from the city or municipality in the protection of our fellow citizens.” Glavas said.

In the specific case against the spread of the corona virus, this means, explains Glavas, that the city headquarters for emergency situations implements the decisions made by the Republic’s Crisis Personnel, helps the medical system, the army and the police. in the implementation of those decisions.

According to Glavas, the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior are an integral part of the city’s Emergency Situations Headquarters, while the scope and type of participation of these units depends on the current danger at that time.

The city’s utility companies are also involved, so, Glavas adds, for example, now in the construction of a covid hospital in Batajnica, those companies are working on the installation of supporting infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage, electricity, telephone lines, widening of roads, installation of buses. stops and the introduction of additional public transportation for medical workers who will work there.

Glavas notes that crisis personnel orders are binding on all local self-government units in Serbia, while certain decisions of the city and municipal headquarters, he says, may differ.

However, those decisions, he explains, are coordinated and sent to the crisis personnel of the Republic. An emergency situation, in addition to the danger of spreading infectious diseases, can be introduced, adds Glavas, when there is a danger of fire, floods, technical and technological accidents, landslides, migrations …

For any of these dangers, says Glavas, the city or municipal headquarters propose to the headquarters commander, the mayor or the president of the municipality, to declare an emergency situation. In addition, an action plan has been developed for each of these hazards. The emergency situation arises with the cessation of danger, that is, the cessation of the need to implement protection and rescue measures against natural disasters and other accidents.


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Author: delivery courier
