DO THE PLANTS COME TO YOU EVERY TIME? There are 5 GOLDEN tips to help you! There will be PROGRESS!


Each floor has its own type of care and attention. Different plants require different types of care.

These five rules of thumb have been proposed by plant experts when it comes to maintaining plant health.

1. Irrigation depends on the type of plant

Although some plants are “hard to kill,” such as the golden vine (you’ll be surprised how long it can last without water), other plants need daily watering. And there are plants prone to overwatering, like succulents.

In short, read what your plant needs. If your plant’s leaves turn yellow or curl, it is a sign that they are not getting the proper amount of water.

photo: Shutterstock

2. Check containers for drainage holes.

Yes, plants can “drown”. When watering plants, it is important that the water completely soaks the soil to ensure that the roots absorb the water well. All that water needs a place to “escape”, otherwise there will be a “flood” and rotting of the roots.

3. Get rid of pests and quickly

Pests can destroy your favorite plants, so learn to spot the signs. Things like spotted leaves or pale yellow leaves are not good signs. Any tape on the leaves or seemingly sticky residue also indicates pests.

To get rid of them, isolate the infected plant and wipe it with a damp towel. If necessary, you can add a little dishwashing liquid to the water.

photo: Profimedia

4. Know when it is time to transplant the plant into a larger pot.

Your plant will grow larger and larger and its roots will grow below the surface. Finally, it must be transplanted back into a larger pot. One of the first signs that a plant needs a larger pot is hanging leaves, especially when the soil is wet. Another fact is that your plant grows normally, but it has a lot of yellow leaves. And of course the last sign is visibly overgrown roots growing through drainage holes or creating a dense web at the bottom of the pot.

5. Adapt plant care to the seasons.

When the season changes, conditions change. Not only are our homes drier in the winter, but the plants experience seasonal growth, with the greatest growth occurring in the summer. In winter, make sure your plants still get enough light, as much as possible. Keep in mind that you probably won’t have to water your plants as much because naturally they are not capable of growing that much in winter.

photo: ShutterstockĐ/

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Author: delivery courier
