DO NOT EXTRADITION MY DAUGHTER: The cry of a pregnant Filipino mother whose extradition is demanded from Serbia by the US


These days, Jessica is taking care of Ksenija, who has already missed the due date, so she has been approved for a house arrest measure with electronic surveillance. Her lawyer Milan Petrović also believes that she should be tried before the national judiciary, because there are no conditions for her extradition. Therefore, he announces an appeal against the decision of the Belgrade High Court on extradition.

– We are currently in the phase of filing an appeal before the Court of Appeals against the decision of the Supreme Court that determined that the conditions for the extradition of our citizens to the United States were met, in accordance with the International Legal Assistance Act, that Serbia signed with the United States – Petrovic tells us. – We filed an appeal against this decision because we believe that the conditions for extradition have not been met, but also because the alleged crime against them was committed in the territory of Serbia, which is why it is the only country that can be competent to carry out this procedure.


– Nowhere in the AGREEMENT with the USA is it explicitly stated what will happen if one of our citizens commits a crime in Serbia and the damage occurs in the USA. What legislation will have authority and if it will be extradited in that case or not, which is also not stated anywhere. Therefore, this contract cannot apply to these eleven suspects and must be reviewed.

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