DO CHILDREN HAVE TO WEAR MASKS IN KIDS GARDENS? Dr. Kon solved all parents’ dilemmas


The latest government document, the Decree on Measures for the Prevention and Suppression of Infectious Disease Kovid 19, details the latest measures that will come into effect on Sunday, some that have been in force for a long time, but also the one that children over four must comply with. years. wear masks.

This measure was talked about long before, there was a dilemma of whether children should wear masks in kindergarten, but it was decided that it would be neither an obligation nor a recommendation.

This morning epidemiologist and crisis staff member Dr. Predrag Kon spoke on this topic as a guest on TV Prva.

When asked by journalists if the mandatory use of masks for children over four years old also applies to kindergartens, Kon said it was a measure from before, “it is a bit forgotten”, but children in kindergarten they definitely don’t wear masks.

– They are not used for a simple reason, and it is because it is very impossible to organize work. Well, the children are in smaller groups, there are rules that parents or companions wear masks when they come … – said Dr. Kon.

According to him, the rules are strict in kindergartens, although there we also have virus transmission.

– First employees, but another possibility cannot be ruled out. It is impossible to close kindergartens, and primary schools are working, I mean younger classes, because there is no difficult infection, although there is also transmission there. We are monitoring the situation, we’ll see – he said.

What is written in the Government Decree

It should be remembered that yesterday the Decree on Measures for the Prevention and Suppression of Infectious Disease Kovid 19, adopted at the Government Session on December 15, was published in the Official Gazette of Serbia, detailing the latest measures that will come into force on Sunday. some that have introduced confusion, like this one for kids and masks.

According to the text of the government decree, children over the age of four are required to wear masks. In addition to the well-known rules on the use of masks indoors, the following is added:

“Parents of underage children or children with special needs, that is, their guardians, are obliged to ensure that children over four years of age wear a protective mask indoors and outdoors when it is not possible to provide a greater distance to two meters “.


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